Igor en Grishka Bogdanoff. Hebben

Igor en Grishka Bogdanoff. Hebben ze nu een doctoraat behaald op basis van een hoax, of niet? En hebben ze dan nog een aantal artikelen geschreven om de hoax volledig te maken, of menen ze het echt? Zelfs specialisten weten het niet echt:

I don’t know if these rumors are true.  I can however assure you that the abstracts seem like gibberish to me, even though I know what most of the buzzwords mean.  The journal articles make for rather strange reading (you can easily get ahold of them, because they are appended to the PDF files containing the theses).  Some parts almost seem to make sense, but the more carefully you read them, the less sense
they make.
[rec.arts.books, of all places]

En iemand anders:

I personally get a couple of sentences into each of the abstracts and am at the point where the jargon is thick enough and well-enough used that I cannot tell if it is serious or not, and I doubt that I could decide without a great deal of work, working through the paper.
[…] it [is] very easy to get off into never-never land, where only a handful of people in the world know whether you are talking total nonsense or not.

Maar wel grappig. Good for them.