Links voor 5 november 2013

Out of the picture: why the world’s best photo startup is going out of business | The Verge
But as time ran out, hopes diminished. "It succeeded in every possible way," said Jason Eberle, who built the web version of Everpix, "except for the only way that matters."

Offices For All! Why Open-Office Layouts Are Bad For Employees, Bosses, And Productivity | Fast Company | Business + Innovation
We’ve been told that our small squat in the vast openness of our open-office layouts, with all its crosstalk and lack of privacy, is actually good for us. It boosts productivity. It leads to a happy utopia of shared ideas and mutual goals. These are the words of imperceptive employers and misguided researchers.

7 Sins of Doomed Teams
Here’s a run down of ways engineers can err. As dreadful as it sounds, rejoice. Salvation is right around the corner. Watch for those signs of trouble and lead the way to redemption.

Cosmic Census Finds Billions of Planets That Could Be Like Earth –
Somewhere in all of this, there must be a planet where the volcanoes spout chocolate.

such browser so html5
type for great instant compile wow