Links van 6 oktober 2014 tot 22 oktober 2014

Mud and Loathing on Russia-Ukraine Border – Bloomberg
“Hitler’s troops spent a night in this village and only one glass was broken,” he said in Surzhyk, the melodious mix of Russian and Ukrainian spoken by many residents of the area. Of the Ukrainian government, he said, “We should hang those fascists by their eggs from a birch tree.”

García Media → What’s state of tablet editions today?
The major changes for the tablet have taken place in three interrelated areas of frequency, a shift in the role of tablets within the media quartet and the fact that tablets are now both lean forward and lean back platforms.

These Veiled Figures of Bronze and Marble by Kevin Francis Gray Seem to Drip with Fabric | Colossal
Irish sculptor Kevin Francis Gray works primarily with bronze and marble to create idealized figures draped with fabric in the style of Neoclassical or Baroque figurative sculptures. Though, unlike gods or royalty that one might expect to see rendered in such incredible detail, Gray instead creates anonymous depictions of regular individuals he encounters near his studio in London, often people struggling with addiction or other difficult, real-world issues.

vivre l’écureuil
every time I astral project, I take the form of a squirrel. This was the tipping point for me. That’s when I knew I was truly meant to be a squirrel

“Zij kwam op mij af” | HLN Aalst
Tee hee hee: "Het was een symbiose van twee lichamen die bewogen op de muziek"