Links van 27 november 2014 tot 1 december 2014

Dan Grover | Chinese Mobile App UI Trends
One day, for the fun of it, I started writing a list in my notebook of all the things that are different between apps here and those I’m accustomed to using and creating back in the US. When I finished, I was surprised by how long the list was, so it seemed fitting to flesh it out into a post.

Is My Startup Burn Rate Normal? | Hacker News
If you're not filling an efficiency gap, and you're not making money, you're not a business. You can fail one of those criteria and be either a parasite or a charity, but you need both to be a business.

A eulogy for RadioShack, the panicked and half-dead retail empire –
This may very well be RadioShack's final holiday season. Jon, a former employee, looks back on a strange, craven, five thousand-fingered strip-mall monster from a forgotten age.

Why I don’t like hackathons, by Alex Bayley aged 39 1/2 | Infotropism
The result is that people build quick hacks that are cute and flashy, but have little depth. Meh.

What I Wish I’d Known About Emacs
The admission of emacs into the editor war is something of a misrepresentation. That emacs can be used as a text editor is incidental to its nature as a computing environment.