Links van 18 januari 2015 tot 23 januari 2015

How the CIA made Google — Medium
The inside story of Google’s rise, revealed here for the first time, opens a can of worms that goes far beyond Google, unexpectedly shining a light on the existence of a parasitical network driving the evolution of the US national security apparatus, and profiting obscenely from its operation.

New pacman for atari 2600 – Homebrew Discussion – AtariAge Forums
This is a "new" version of pacman for atari 2600 I've been programming since about 2007, but had left in 2008, then in 2013 I resume again to try to finish.  I've been trying to make it as close to the original looking at various sites on the "AI" Ghosts, game logic, etc.  This version has nothing to do with the other version called pacman4k, this is a completely new version, do not use any undocumented opcode.  Currently the rom is about 120 bytes free, so I'm trying to add other things.

The Emularity « ASCII by Jason Scott
Welcome to the Emularity, where the tools, processes and techniques developed over the past few years means we’re going to be iteratively improving the whole process quicker, and quicker, and we’ll be absorbing more and more aspects of historical computer information.

Kranten gingen zich na Verviers te buiten aan kritiekloze speculatie –
Een week na de feiten weten we nog altijd weinig over wat er gebeurd is in Verviers en hoe sterk de aanwijzingen zijn geweest dat er een aanslag op til was. We kregen wel een hele reeks maatregelen die onze maatschappij wat minder vrij maken. Maar of zij terecht zijn en, vooral, of zij mogelijke terreurdaden ook maar enigszins kunnen tegenhouden, komen we niet te weten. Het angstklimaat moet ze rechtvaardigen. Er wordt zelfs geen poging ondernomen om hun effectiviteit aan te tonen.

The Content Model of the Web is Broken
There’s simply no money in advertising for content sites. Ad networks, most notably Google, don’t pay what they once did. Direct advertising dollars are now very hard to come by.

Many machines on Ix – On Tone Policing Linus Torvalds, or Linus Torvalds…
Refrains like “The stupidity, it burns” are simply clichéd elements of a tired performance; Linus’s particular brand of banter — “paste-eaters”, “monkeys” — has nothing to do with the technical merit.  It’s the bluster of a bully, someone who can’t or won’t discuss a disagreement on equal terms, because he think he doesn’t have to.