Links van 11 april 2015 tot 16 april 2015

Study finds, surprisingly, that women are favored for jobs in STEM – The Washington Post“At one point we turned to each other while we were coding email responses from faculty across the U.S. and said we hoped that the large preference for women applicants over identically qualified men applicants would slow down because it seemed …

Links van 2 mei 2012 tot 8 mei 2012

swissmiss | Two kids in a carThese two kids saw the GOTYE music video SOMEBODY THAT I USED TO KNOW and fell in love with it. They started requesting the song every time they’d be riding in the car, singing along, of course. One day, their parents set up a go camera behind their seat …


Ja, euh, ditto. En nóg zoiets. Het is tegenwoordig weer la rentrée, en ik zie dus opnieuw elke ochtend handenvol kids het station in Brugge opleuken. Present, zoals vorig jaar: de geblondeerde trienen, kettingrokend naar en van school. Ook nog altijd: de groepjes blonde Mädeln, ongenaakbaar ranke ijsprinsessen, nog vijftien centimeter groter dan vorig jaar. …