Links van 30 maart 2019 tot 6 april 2019

Gracht, kassei, sofa: kinderen weten niet meer wat het is – De Standaard‘Veel toekomstige leerkrachten hebben vandaag moeite met eenvoudige rekensommen en taal’, zegt Anita Wuestenberg, een gepensioneerde onderwijzeres die lange tijd betrokken was bij de lerarenopleiding voor het basisonderwijs. ‘Toen ik vroeg welke jeugdboeken ze kenden, antwoordden ze alleen met boekjes van Studio 100. …

Links van 8 oktober 2017 tot 10 oktober 2017

Mensa offers to host IQ test for Trump and Tillerson | TheHillBring on the IQ test — Mensa says it’s willing to host President Trump and secretary of State Rex Tillerson in a battle of the brains. In an interview with Forbes published Tuesday, Trump suggested he and Tillerson — who allegedly once called the commander …

Links van 9 augustus 2015 tot 13 augustus 2015

One Book’s Cover | Brightweavings JournalThis spring I was working with my American and Canadian editors, and an art director, and a gifted artist to devise and shape the cover those territories are sharing for Children of Earth and Sky. sbdc » BetrayedI used to be able to trust that Apple products would just work. …

Links van 3 oktober 2014 tot 6 oktober 2014

5 Steps To Fixing A Derailed Career | LinkedInAll successful reinventions have one thing in common: a great story that makes people want to see the underdog win! You need to be able to articulate how you got to the point of needing the reinvention and what you hope to accomplish going forward in a …