Tag: agile

  • Links van 20 mei 2018 tot 21 mei 2018

    Gell-Mann amnesia effect – Wikiwandthe Gell-Mann amnesia effect labels a commonly observed problem in modern media,[2] where one will believe everything they read from a journalist even after they come across an article about something they know well that is completely incorrect Tim Harford — Article — Statistics, Fast and SlowOne way to understand China…

  • Links van 10 oktober 2016 tot 12 oktober 2016

    Opinie: De islam-enquête is een voorbeeld van hoe het niet moet | Opinie | De MorgenWe verzochten gisteren om inzage in de technische fiche, die naar verluidt eind deze week op de Humo-site verschijnt. We vrezen het ergste. Er bestaat geen register waaruit men op willekeurige basis 500 moslims kan distilleren. Als dat bij Ivox…

  • Links van 13 mei 2014 tot 18 mei 2014

    The death of the homepage in one simple graphSo it’s an odd thing when you’ve been saying something for years and nobody believes you, then suddenly, someone publishes one leaked graph, and overnight all the world agrees with you: The homepage is dead. And still they’ve got it wrong. Gamasutra – The Cabal: Valve’s Design…

  • Links van 28 februari 2014 tot 1 maart 2014

    Jan Tritten crowd sources a life or death decision and the baby ends up dead | The Skeptical OBHomebirth midwives are dangerous, witless fools and babies die as a result. Most winning A/B test results are illusoryIn this article I’ll show that badly performed A/B tests can produce winning results which are more likely to…