Tag: emulation

  • Links van 11 november 2014 tot 12 november 2014

    Links van 11 november 2014 tot 12 november 2014

    The Sixth Stage of Grief is Retro-Computing — The Message — MediumHour after hour, this terrible fever. What the hell am I doing? I kept asking myself. Why am I forcing a fine new machine to pretend it is a half-dozen old, useless machines? Dit is de beste Belgische strip – De StandaardMBWAHAHAHAHAHA. “De Kiekeboes:…

  • Links van 6 januari 2012 tot 7 januari 2012

    Links van 6 januari 2012 tot 7 januari 2012

    Carved Book Landscapes by Guy Laramee | ColossalFor the better part of three decades multidisciplinary artist Guy Laramee has worked as a stage writer, director, composer, a fabricator of musical instruments, a singer, sculptor, painter and writer. Among his sculptural works are two incredible series of carved book landscapes and structures entitled Biblios and The…