Tag: music
Links van 15 november 2017 tot 8 januari 2018
IBM Design LanguageHeerlijke stijlgids. Trump is making Obama great again – The Boston GlobeBeyond the nation’s shores, there are some places around the world, though not many, where Trump is more popular than Obama. A 2017 Pew Research Center survey polled 37 nations across the world about their opinions of the two presidents, and all…
Links van 17 augustus 2017 tot 1 september 2017
I criticized Google. It got me fired. That’s how corporate power works. – The Washington PostFor the last fifteen years, I’ve done my antimonopoly writing and research at a think tank in Washington named New America. This last June 27, my group published a statement praising the European Union for fining Google for violating antitrust…
Links van 19 november 2014 tot 20 november 2014
The Shazam Effect – The AtlanticBy studying 20 million searches every day, Shazam can identify which songs are catching on, and where, before just about anybody else. “Sometimes we can see when a song is going to break out months before most people have even heard of it,” Jason Titus, Shazam’s former chief technologist, told…
Links van 30 september 2014 tot 3 oktober 2014
The Interactive Fiction CompetitionThe games of the 2014 Interactive Fiction Competition are ready for judging! Anyone can be a judge: just play and rate at least five games before November 15. A history of the They Might Be Giants song Birdhouse in Your Soul.For many of us, the world is a bit scarier than it…
Links van 7 september 2014 tot 10 september 2014
Using SVG to shrink your PNGs | Peter HrynkowWouldn’t it be great if you could get the compression of a JPEG and keep the transparency of a PNG? Well, you can, sort of. Code Rush : David Winton : Free Download & Streaming : Internet ArchiveThe Film Code Rush follows the people of Netscape Communications…
Links van 26 juni 2014 tot 30 juni 2014
random thoughts: Dissecting the 128-byte raycasterLately a Reddit post caught my attention which is about a raycaster demo, animated, with mouse control and texture mapping, in only 128 bytes. Out of curiosity, I took a look at the source code and spent some time trying to figure out how it works. Fontblog | Ed Sheeran’s…
Links van 18 mei 2014 tot 20 mei 2014
808 Cube State of MetaFilter | MetaTalkToday I need to share some unfortunate news: because of serious financial downturn, MetaFilter will be losing three of its moderators to layoffs at the end of this month. What that means for the site and the site’s future are described below. Vagrant 1.6 – VagrantVagrant 1.6 is now…
Links van 21 april 2014 tot 23 april 2014
Game Programming PatternsDo you struggle to make your code hang together into a cohesive whole? Find it harder to make changes as your codebase grows? Feel like your game is a giant hairball where everything is intertwined with everything else? Wonder if and how design patterns apply to games? Hear things like “cache coherency” and…
Test, test, muziek op een webpagina
Kijk nu: Aan de pro-kant: ’t is helemaal legaal en gemakkelijk. Aan de contra-kant: er moet Spotify op de computer staan. En zou dat werken op mobiel en alles? (Update: ’t werkt alvast op een iPhone, als de Spotify-app geïnstalleerd staat, tenminste. Magisch!)
Links van 14 juni 2012 tot 22 juni 2012
I analyzed the chords of 1300 popular songs for patterns. This is what I found. | Blog – HooktheoryIn this article, we’ll look at the statistics gathered from 1300 choruses, verses, etc. of popular songs to discover the answer to a few basic questions. First we’ll look at the relative popularity of different chords based…
Links van 30 mei 2012 tot 13 juni 2012
Hidden Epidemic: Tapeworms Living Inside People’s Brains | Infectious Diseases | DISCOVER MagazineParasitic worms leave millions of victims paralyzed, epileptic, or worse. So why isn’t anyone mobilizing to eradicate them? I’ve been playing the same game of Civilization II for almost 10 years. This is the result. : gamingI've been playing the same game of…
Links van 2 mei 2012 tot 8 mei 2012
swissmiss | Two kids in a carThese two kids saw the GOTYE music video SOMEBODY THAT I USED TO KNOW and fell in love with it. They started requesting the song every time they’d be riding in the car, singing along, of course. One day, their parents set up a go camera behind their seat…
Links van 19 april 2012 tot 22 april 2012
IBNIZIBNIZ is a virtual machine designed for extremely compact low-level audiovisual programs. The leading design goal is usefulness as a platform for demoscene productions, glitch art and similar projects. Mainsteam software engineering aspects are considered totally irrelevant. IBNIZ stands for Ideally Bare Numeric Impression giZmo. The name also refers to Gottfried Leibniz, the 17th-century polymath…
Links van 19 maart 2012 tot 6 april 2012
Child of Rage The FULL Documentary – YouTubeShocking, Horrifying, Fascinating The full documentary. The Best Textbooks on Every Subject – Less WrongWhat if we could compile a list of the best textbooks on every subject? That would be extremely useful. Let's do it. Omni-Suzanne Ciani – YouTubeSuzanne Ciani working on the music and sounds for…