Woody Harrelson: I’m an American

Woody Harrelson: I’m an American tired of American lies, in The Guardian gisteren.

I have been here three months doing a play in the West End. I am having the time of my life. I love England, the people, the parks, the theatre. The play is great and the audiences have been a dream. Probably I should just relax, be happy and talk about the weather, but this war is under my skin – it affects my sleep. [The Guardian]

De man stijg (nog) in mijn achting. Hoeveel keer moet de wereld dit nog horen voor ze beseffen wat voor perfide spelletje Bush en zijn adviseurs spelen?

I am a father, and no amount of propaganda can convince me that half a million dead children is acceptable “collateral damage”. The fact is that Saddam Hussein was our boy. The CIA helped him to power, as they did the Shah of Iran and Noriega and Marcos and the Taliban and countless other brutal tyrants. The fact is that George Bush Sr continued to supply nerve gas and technology to Saddam even after he used it on Iran and then the Kurds in Iraq. While the Amnesty International report listing countless Saddam atrocities, including gassing and torturing Kurds, was sitting on his desk, Bush Sr pushed through a $2bn “agricultural” loan and Thatcher gave hundreds of millions in export credit to Saddam. The elder Bush then had the audacity to quote the Amnesty reports to garner support for his oil war.