Tweede poging. Vorige keer vastgelopen op MySQL-problemen, waarschijnlijk omdat ik van een 3 naar een 4.1 en dan terug naar een 4.0.22 gegaan ben.
Actieplan: alle sporen van mysql uitwissen…
# rpm -e MySQL-client
# rpm -e MySQL-server
rm -r /var/lib/mysql
en dan opnieuw installeren
# rpm -i MySQL-client-4.0.22-0.i386.rpm
# rpm -i MySQL-server-4.0.22-0.i386.rpm
Preparing db table
Preparing host table
Preparing user table
Preparing func table
Preparing tables_priv table
Preparing columns_priv table
Installing all prepared tables
041116 15:35:48 Warning: Asked for 196608 thread stack, but got 126976
041116 15:35:48 /usr/sbin/mysqld: Shutdown Complete
Ack!! Voor de zekerheid een killall mysqld
gedaan, en dan nog eens mysqld -u mysql
, en alhoewel die Warning: Asked for 196608 thread stack, but got 126976 gewoon blijft gebeuren, lijkt het erop dat mysqld deze keer wel aan het draaien is. Verder met de installatie van Daisy dus.
Eerst daisyrepository opnieuw aanmaken en vullen, en dan nu de tabellen voor OpenJMS weer proberen aanmaken— da’s waar het vorige keer op ontplofte.
# ./ -create -config $OPENJMS_HOME/config/openjms.xml
15:49:59.669 ERROR [main] - org.exolab.jms.persistence.PersistenceException: Failed to get pooled connection
org.apache.commons.dbcp.SQLNestedException: Cannot create PoolableConnectionFactory, cause:
java.sql.SQLException: Invalid authorization specification: Access denied for user: '[email protected]' (Using password: YES)
Ah getver. Access denied voor de user openjms? Ik heb die daarnet toch GRANT ALL gedaan? Of nog eens expliciet grant all on openjms.*to [email protected] identified by 'openjms'
Myep, that did the trick. En dan nu openjms starten, en dan nu daisy-repository-init doen, en hoera! alles lijkt te werken zoals het moet:
Database initialisation
--------------------------------------------------------------------------This program will initialise the database for the daisy repository.
The daisy repository server should now NOT be running.
Currently Daisy has only been designed to work with MySQL,
version 4.0.20 or higher.Will be using driver: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
Enter database URL [default = jdbc:mysql://localhost/daisyrepository] :
Enter database name [default = daisyrepository] :
Enter database user [default = daisy] :
Enter database password [default = daisy] :Daisy needs an initial repository user. By default we call it 'testuser'
but you may choose a more meaningful user right away.Enter bootstrap username [default = testuser] :
Enter password for bootstrap user [default = testuser] :
*************I will create a user called 'internal' which is used by various
components inside the repository server to connect to the repository,
as well as by the repository client in Cocoon to fill its caches.
It is very important you change the password for this user, except
maybe in a test/development environment.
Suggested, random-generated password: Pw"db"uBg"rEoHQRWEY9Enter password for user 'internal' [ default = Pw"db"uBg"rEoHQRWEY9 ] :
Drop database if it exists?
[default = no, out of safety, but usually answer yes] : yes
Will now start database creation, continue? [default = yes] : yes
Please wait...
Exception in thread "main" java.sql.SQLException: Invalid authorization specification: Access denied for user: '[email protected]' (Using password: YES)
For crying out loud. Ik had het kunenn raden. Allez ju, weer grant all on daisyrepository.*to [email protected] identified by 'daisy'
en opnieuw:
Please wait...
Finished creating database.I can now generate a daisy data directory containing tailored
configuration files.
Do you want me to do this? [ yes/no, default: yes]
Enter the name of the data directory to create:
…that was painless. En dan nu ./daisy-repository-server /usr/share/daisy-1_0_0/install/gclc &
, dat ook al over niets klaagt, en ./daisy-wiki-init
A user with Administrator role is needed.
Enter login:
Enter password:
Address where daisy repository is listening [default = http://localhost:9263] :--------------------------------------------------------------------------
Creating guest user and role.
Guest role created, id = 101
Guest user created, id = 101
Creation of repository schema required for the navigation manager.
Installing repository schema required by the Hierarchical Navigation Manager...
ACL initialisation
--------------------------------------------------------------------------A default ACL will be installed. This will limit the users with role 'guest'
to read operations. All other users will have both read and write privileges.
ACL configured.
Installing basic part and document types required for the DaisyWiki
Creating Part Type "SimpleDocumentContent".
Part Type "SimpleDocumentContent" created.
Creating DocumentType "SimpleDocument".
Document Type "SimpleDocument" created.
Creating Part Type "ImageData".
Part Type "ImageData" created.
Creating DocumentType "Image".
Document Type "Image" created.
Creating Part Type "AttachmentData".
Part Type "AttachmentData" created.
Creating DocumentType "Attachment".
Document Type "Attachment" created.Finished.
Whoop dee doo, dat was ook allemaal pijnloos!
# ./daisy-wiki-add-site
Daisy Wiki New Site Creation
--------------------------------------------------------------------------This program will create a new daisywiki site. This consists of:
* creating a collection for the documents of that site
* creating a navigation document for the site
* creating one (home) page for the site, linked from the navigation
* generating a siteconf.xml for use by the daisywikiA user with Administrator role is needed.
Enter login:
Enter password:
Address where daisy repository is listening [default = http://localhost:9263] :First, I need a name for the site. This name will be used as:
* name for the collection
* directory name for the directory containing the site-specific stuff
Enter a name for the site (without spaces):
Creating collection gclc
Collection created.
Creating navigation document.
Navigation document created, id = 1
Creating sample document.
Sample document created, id = 2
Updating navigation document.
Navigation document updated.
Here's the siteconf configuration:<siteconf xmlns="">
<description>The "gclc" site</description>
<automatic lockType='pessimistic' defaultTime='15' autoExtend='true'/>
</siteconf>If you enter the location of the 'sites' directory, I can automatically
add this configuration for you.Sites directory location [default = /usr/share/daisy-1_0_0/daisywiki/webapp/daisy/sites ]:
Written /usr/share/daisy-1_0_0/daisywiki/webapp/daisy/sites/gclc/siteconf.xml
Next. In $DAISY_HOME/daisywiki/webapp/WEB-INF/cocoon.xconf het juiste wachtwoord voor de internal user zetten… done.
En dan nu Daisy starten, en ’t zou moeten werken:
# ./daisy-wiki
16:25:37.823 EVENT Checking Resource aliases
16:25:38.927 EVENT Starting Jetty/4.2.21
16:25:40.982 EVENT Started WebApplicationContext[/,/usr/share/daisy-1_0_0/daisywiki/webapp]
16:25:41.285 WARN!! Delete existing temp dir /tmp/Jetty__8888__ for WebApplicationContext[/,/usr/share/daisy-1_0_0/daisywiki/webapp]
WARN [org.apache.jcs.config.OptionConverter] Could not find value for key jcs.default.elementattributes
WARN [org.apache.jcs.engine.control.CompositeCacheConfigurator] Could not instantiate eAttr named 'jcs.default.elementattributes', using defaults.
WARN [org.apache.jcs.config.OptionConverter] Could not find value for key jcs.system.groupIdCache.elementattributes
WARN [org.apache.jcs.engine.control.CompositeCacheConfigurator] Could not instantiate eAttr named 'jcs.system.groupIdCache.elementattributes', using defaults.
WARN [org.apache.jcs.config.OptionConverter] Could not find value for key jcs.region.main.elementattributes
WARN [org.apache.jcs.engine.control.CompositeCacheConfigurator] Could not instantiate eAttr named 'jcs.region.main.elementattributes', using defaults.
16:25:56.890 EVENT Started SocketListener on
16:25:56.891 EVENT Started org.mortbay.jetty.Server@17f1ba3
Bimbam de klokken! Akkoord, wat warnings en dingen, maar:

3 reacties op “Daisy 02”
Et bien. Proficiat. 🙂
Housing Vietnam
Passion Vietnam