Een fijne postmortem van de miserie met S3.

When one server connects to another as part of processing a customer’s request, it starts by gossiping about the system state. Only after gossip is completed will the server send along the information related to the customer request. On Sunday, we saw a large number of servers that were spending almost all of their time gossiping and a disproportionate amount of servers that had failed while gossiping. With a large number of servers gossiping and failing while gossiping, Amazon S3 wasn’t able to successfully process many customer requests.

De derde Wet van Clarke is nooit ver weg.


Eén reactie op “Roddels”

  1. Iets duurder maar niet enkel veel sneller, maar ook met een veel leuker API (dat video kan transcoden en thumbnails maken enzovoort) én de mogelijkheid te mounten als NFS of Samba is Nirvanix (