I would write an essay describing why Twitter gives me a headache and makes me fear for the future of humanity, but it doesn’t deserve more than 140 characters of explanation, and I’ve already spent 820.
Computer printouts of sheet music usually look dull. LilyPond is different: it makes beautiful sheet music.
de gemiddelde werknemer is 10% productiever wanneer hij samenwerkt met een vriend die competenter is.
Social media to the rescue!
Gorbachev: "I am often asked whether my fellow leaders of perestroika and I knew the full scope of what we had to do. The answer is yes and no — not fully and not immediately."
Oooooh the memories!
Nice piece of analysis that Zakaria has offered in the past. Dovetails with plenty of deeper expert analysis.
Here, the Saudis turning on al Qaeda is trumpeted as " one of the most important, least reported trends in the war on terror"