links for 2011-03-06

  • Jazeker. "The true ruling elite bloodlines of the World. These being Farnese, Orsini, Breakspeare, Somaglia and Aldobrandini. Ancient bloodlines of Rome which practice to this day Zoroastrianism and Mithras. These are the grey Jesuits in control of the Society of Jesus from the shadows. No longer do they show their blood within the open Order as of times of old. They put front commoners in the positions of Black Pope and White Pope thus staying out of the peoples eyes. This is The Arcana Arcanorum Rite of Atlantis!!"
    (tags: conspiracy nwo)
  • The pilcrow is not just some typographic curiosity, useful only for livening up a coffee-table book on graphic design or pointing the way to a paragraph in a mortgage deed, but a living, breathing character with its roots in the earliest days of punctuation.
    (tags: language)