Facebook Comments Epitomizes Everything I Hate About Facebook
It’s a piece of crap, but it’s just barely good enough and easy enough that it’s not worth wrestling with alternatives. Facebook Comments is basically Facebook writ small: while it’s maddeningly mediocre lowest-common-denominator crap, it’s not quite bad enough not to use.
NYT vs HuffPo, cont. | Felix Salmon | Analysis
The big picture here is that the NYT is obviously feeling very threatened by the Huffington Post, and is reacting by lashing out blindly in a fit of name-calling, rather than actually trying to learn from what the HuffPo does well.
Audio Demos – Paris Smaragdis
Audio editors are pretty lousy, you can’t use a graphical interface to do anything useful when editing sound mixtures. In this demo we present an audio-driven interface which allows a user to vocalize the sound they want to select and an automatic process matches that input to the most appropriate sound. Once the selection is done then we can manipulate sounds independently and then throw them back in the mix.