Interesting Articles
A curated stream of interesting articles.

Beste MIVB, heb uw personeel en de passagiers lief | Sixlog
Je bent nergens meer veilig, niet in het verkeer, evenmin thuis en zeker niet op een boot. Dat heet toeval of noodlot en hoeveel blauw ook op straat, of hoe streng de straffen: het zal altijd blijven gebeuren. Heden mosselen, morgen gij.

Demoscene – The Art of the Algorithms | MetaFilter

Elaine Pagels on the Book of Revelation : The New Yorker
Millions are annihilated, every major city has been destroyed, but nobody you really like has died. It’s a Hollywood ending in that way, too.

The Grandmaster Experiment
“Girls can learn how to play just as well as boys,” Susan says. “But they often approach the game differently. Girls would rather solve chess puzzles than play against one of their friends,” she says. Boys will always choose to compete.


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