The Algorithm That Thinks Like A Human ⚙ Co.Labs ⚙ code + community
“We should be careful not to underestimate the significance… of this milestone,” says Facebook cofounder Dustin Moskovitz, an advisor to a six-person startup that is reinventing artificial intelligence.

7 Fantastic Ways To Distinguish Between Sense And Nonsense
What can be said at all can be said clearly, and what we cannot talk about we must pass over in silence.

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Curated articles and resources for web designers and developers.

Why the tech press is ignoring Zulily’s huge IPO – The Term Sheet: Fortune’s deals blogTerm Sheet
Zulily is profitable. It's also growing, with $439 million in revenue over the first nine months of 2013, compared to $202 million for the year-earlier period (and, of course, Q4 is when it makes its largest dollars). In other words, it's a real business. Bo-ring.

Google+ YouTube Integration: Kind of Like Twilight, Except In This Version When +Cullen Drinks BellaTube’s Blood They Both Become Mortal, But +Cullen Is Still An Abusive Creep, Also It Is Still Bad | Vi Hart
The choice between having to use Google+ and never commenting on YouTube again is laughably easy for me. I invested so much into my YouTube channel, and they’re taking that investment and threatening to throw it away if I don’t also start investing in Google+. No thank you Google, but you’ve already made me regret investing so much into you the first time. Do you really think I’m going to do it again?