Microsoft Windows on Devices – Raspberry Pi 2
We’re excited to announce that we are expanding our Windows Developer Program for IoT by delivering a version of Windows 10 that supports Raspberry Pi 2. This release of Windows 10 will be free for the Maker community through the Windows Developer Program for IoT.

Syria’s President Speaks | A Conversation With Bashar al-Assad | Foreign Affairs
So what do you think Israel’s agenda is? — They are supporting the rebels in Syria. It’s very clear. Because whenever we make advances in some place, they make an attack in order to undermine the army. It’s very clear. That’s why some in Syria joke: “How can you say that al Qaeda doesn’t have an air force? They have the Israeli air force.”

Falsehoods programmers believe about time and time zones

When Bread Bags Weren’t Funny – Bloomberg View
In every generation, we forget how much poorer we used to be, and then we forget that we have forgotten. We focus on the things that seem funny or monstrous or quaint and darling. Somehow the simplest and most important fact — the immense differences between their living standards and ours — slides right past our eye. And when Ernst tried to remind us, people didn't say "Wow, we've really come a long way"; they pointed and laughed.

Un enfant de 8 ans au commissariat pour «apologie du terrorisme» – Libération
«Etes-vous Charlie ?», demande-t-il. Ahmed, 8 ans, répond que non. Pourquoi ? «Parce qu’ils ont caricaturé le prophète. Moi, je suis avec les terroristes.» Le prof alerte son directeur. Ce dernier décide de convoquer le gamin, puis ses parents, qui raisonnent leur rejeton. Mais il ne s’arrête pas là. Le 21 janvier, le directeur de cette école, située dans le sud de la ville, dépose plainte au commissariat pour «apologie du terrorisme».