Links van 4 mei 2015 tot 11 mei 2015

Canadian Government Says Free Speech is for Offending Muslims — Not Opposing Israel – The Intercept
When the views being suppressed are ones amenable to those in power (e.g., cartoons mocking Islam), free speech is venerated; when ideas are advocated that upset those in power (e.g. speech by Muslims critical of Western nations and their allies), the very same people acquiesce to, or expressly endorse, full-scale suppression.

Don’t believe Orson Welles, says his biographer Simon Callow — especially when he calls himself a failure » The Spectator
On the centenary of his birth, we celebrate the all-embracing genius of the great director, actor, theatre maker and story-teller

De dood van het politieke interview | Ico Maly
Ja, duizend keer ja. Met dank aan Siegfried Bracke en Ivan De Vadder en al wie in hun voetstappen treedt. "Het politieke interview is niet zozeer dood omdat het niet meer fris klinkt of spannend is. Het is ook niet zozeer dood omdat de politicus mediatraining heeft gehad of debatfiches ter beschikking heeft en daardoor zichzelf niet meer aan de galg praat. Het is dood omdat het interview geformatiseerd is en gecommodificeerd."

Why We Spent $172,298 in April and Only Made $45 – Startup Labs
We have what we perceive to be the best product on the market, and we could not sell one person from 1,391 who visited.

How I grew from 300 to 5k followers in just 3 weeks — Marketing & Growth Hacking — Medium
Urgh. Just… urgh.