Links voor 11 februari 2017

De Grauwe: “Verbetering werkgelegenheid toeschrijven aan regering is surrealistisch”
Volgens econoom Paul De Grauwe is de groei van de tewerkstelling in ons land vooral te danken aan de betere conjunctuur in heel de eurozone. We doen het iets slechter dan het gemiddelde en De Grauwe noemt het moeilijk voorstelbaar dat de groei van de tewerkstelling te danken is aan de taxshift van de regering.

How an obscure oriental cult converted a vast, pagan Roman empire | Aeon Essays
Apart from the small and ethnically circumscribed exception of the Jews, the ancient world had never known an exclusivist faith, so the rapid success of early Christianity is a historical anomaly. Moreover, because some form of Christianity is a foundational part of so many peoples’ lives and identities, the Christianisation of the Roman empire feels perennially relevant – something that is ‘about us’ in a way a lot of ancient history simply is not. Of course, this apparent relevance also obscures as much as it reveals, especially just how strange Rome’s Christianisation really was.

Obama’s Lost Army | New Republic
Instead of mobilizing his unprecedented grassroots machine to pressure obstructionist lawmakers, support state and local candidates who shared his vision, and counter the Tea Party, Obama mothballed his campaign operation, bottling it up inside the Democratic National Committee. It was the seminal mistake of his presidency—one that set the tone for the next eight years of dashed hopes, and helped pave the way for Donald Trump to harness the pent-up demand for change Obama had unleashed.

Watch pom-pom crabs fight over tiny anemones, which they hold like boxing gloves – The Washington Post
The pom-pom crab, the scientists speculated, is perhaps the only animal on the planet that controls another species’ growth, feeding and asexual reproduction.

Inside the meltdown of Evan Williams’ startup, Medium – Business Insider
Four days into 2017, Medium's employees came to work and were told that one-third of them, 50 people, were fired. They were shocked. Their adored boss, billionaire CEO Ev Williams, best known as the cofounder of Twitter, seemed to care so deeply for each of them. But he told the world about the layoff in a blog post even before all the people who lost their jobs were informed, a former employee tells Business Insider.

PVDA krijgt opnieuw niet de dotaties waar ze recht op heeft | PVDA
De knoop doorhakken dat is nochtans ook wat de voorzitter van de commissie wilde doen. Hij stelde voor om het advies van de juridische diensten van de Kamer te volgen. Dat advies geeft de PVDA volledig gelijk: zij heeft recht op de dotatie voor haar Nederlandstalige stemmen. Maar de N-VA en Open Vld voerden de druk op tot nieuw uitstel en haalden hun slag thuis.

Photo by Nitish Meena | Unsplash
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