Ik heb –natuurlijk– het vijfde Stormlight Archive-boek gekocht, Wind and Truth, van zodra het uitkwam gisteren. Ik heb de vorige vier boeken ook gelezen, en zelfs al viel het laatste niet écht mee: het zou toch maar stom zijn om het bij vier van de vijf te houden.
Wat er mij van dat vierde boek bijgebleven is, is dat het vét meer dan duizend pagina’s was, en dat het leek alsof het grootste deel van het verhaal over Kaladin was die verstoppertje aan het spelen was in een magische stadachtige toren.
Dus dacht ik, ik lees eens bij over wat tot nog toe gebeurde, op de wikipediats bijvoorbeeld.
Wel: geen goed idee. De synopsis daar is tegelijkertijd zó gedetailleerd en zó weinig nuttig dat ik denk dat ik even goed niets had gelezen. Serieus, een voorbeeld:
With another Bondsmith vision, Dalinar contacts Prime Aquasix Yanagawn (formally named Gawx) and informs him about the Voidbringers’ threat but Gawx grows skeptical toward him. Despite his efforts, Lift, having contacted the Nightwatcher, manages to enter his vision and carries Gawx away, much to the Stormfather’s surprise. Upon arriving at the Recreace vision with Jasnah and Navani, Yanagawn visits Dalinar and discusses it privately. Yanagawn reveals to Dalinar, the Azish viziers’ paranoia of the Assassin in White and Lift’s distrust towards Dalinar for his self-righteousness.
Euh ja, zeker? Serieus: de samenvattingen op Wikipedia zijn bij de dertienduizend woorden lang. Da’s langer dan Kafka’s Verwandlung. Woordensoep, bij momenten alleen maar eigennamen:

Gelukkig is er ChatGPT om het allemaal samen te vatten, als ik er proper om vraag.
Major Storylines Before Book 5 of The Stormlight Archive:
- The War Between Humans and Singers: Roshar is embroiled in an ages-old conflict between the human nations (unified under Dalinar Kholin’s coalition) and the singers, led by the Fused. The Everstorm has returned, granting singers their ancient forms and immortal Fused leaders, while humans struggle to unite and defend the world.
- Dalinar’s Leadership and Redemption: Once a ruthless warlord, Dalinar Kholin seeks to unite Roshar’s disparate peoples. He has bonded the Stormfather, ascended as a Bondsmith, and formed alliances. His past sins (the burning of Rathalas and the death of his wife Evi) have shaped his current devotion to honor and the greater good. His leadership is tested by shifting alliances and the growing threat posed by Odium.
- Kaladin’s Journey to Heroism: Kaladin Stormblessed, a Windrunner, battles personal trauma, depression, and responsibility. From a slave to a Radiant, he’s protected those who cannot protect themselves. By the end of Book 4, he confronts mental health challenges head-on and begins to find new ways to serve beyond the battlefield.
- Shallan’s Identity Struggles and the Ghostbloods: Shallan Davar, now a Lightweaver, grapples with multiple identities and secrets from her past. She’s become embroiled with the Ghostbloods, a secretive organization, and must balance her duty to the Radiants with the group’s demands. Her husband, Adolin, tries to rally the honorspren to forge new Radiants, while Shallan tries to understand who she truly is.
- Jasnah’s Reign and Scholarship: Jasnah Kholin, now Queen of Alethkar, is a brilliant scholar and Elsecaller who aims to reshape the world through logic and exploration. She deals with the responsibilities of rule while studying the nature of Roshar’s magic and history, seeking a path to victory over Odium’s forces.
- Navani’s Scientific Breakthroughs: Navani Kholin’s innovations—such as anti-Voidlight and the harnessing of Investiture—have turned Urithiru into a hub of research. She has bonded the Sibling (the spren of the tower city) as a Bondsmith, restoring the tower to full functionality. Her work could tip the balance of the war.
- Venli, Rlain, and Singer Perspectives: Venli, a Willshaper Radiant, grapples with her role in bringing back the Everstorm and her obligation to her people. She’s torn between old loyalties and the possibility of a peaceful future. Rlain, another singer allied with humans, hopes to bridge the gap between species.
- Taravangian’s Rise as Odium: The mortal king Taravangian outwitted Odium’s Vessel, Rayse, and assumed the Shard. His cunning now guides Odium’s power, potentially altering the terms of the conflict. His motivations remain uncertain, and how he will shape Roshar’s fate is a pressing question.
Together, these arcs—humanity’s tenuous alliances, Radiants struggling with identity and purpose, scientific and magical advancements, and a transformed Odium—set the stage for the climactic struggles of Book 5.