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links for 2005-09-15
Atlas Unleashed… No shit — “Coding on the fly in front of 8,000 people for 45 minutes on a single machine with no cutaways or backups is fairly adrenaline rushing”. Saw it happening live, was mightily impressed. (tags: ajax development) Café Salé // Voir le sujet – X-wing en tickets de métro step by step…
links for 2005-09-14
Frontpage – umbraco cms, open source ASP.NET Content Management System written in C# (tags: cms opensource dotnet)
links for 2005-09-12
Guardian Unlimited | Newsroom | The Guardian special report Fascinating: The Guardian’s new design (tags: design media) cityofsound: Assessing the new Guardian, with brief nod to the avant-garde (aka Grazia, Heat and The Sun) (tags: toread news design)
links for 2005-09-10
List of cricket terms – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (tags: sports reference)
links for 2005-09-09
snoopy get well soon – Google Image Search Egad! (tags: porn) More Scoble hype I believe him, by the way. I mean, compared with Apple’s recent stuff *anything* would be innovative, but he’s got me hooked. (tags: microsoft) Food Critic Tears Radish Canapés With Salmon Mousse A New Asshole | The Onion – America’s Finest…
links for 2005-09-08
Nikon D70 Focus Chart (tags: nikon photography) The Vatican’s View of Evolution: Pope Paul II and Pope Pius (tags: religion science) Boxes and Arrows: An introduction to user journeys (tags: article toread ia)
links for 2005-09-07
Fafblog! the whole worlds only source for Fafblog. Yet another masterful (not to mention *lucid*) analysis by the Medium Lobster. (tags: usa humour) Suicide: Read This First If you are feeling suicidal now, please stop long enough to read this. It will only take about five minutes. (tags: suicide help) Home of the Underdogs –…
links for 2005-09-06
PocketMod: The Free Disposable Personal Organizer (tags: gtd productivity paper) Grimm Index Page (tags: books ebook literature reference) Science Friction What do Star Trek, orientalism and America’s fear of Japan have in common? Everything, says Ziauddin Sardar (tags: article sf) Rasmus’ 30 second AJAX Tutorial – A wanderer’s journal All there is to it. Pfuh.…
links for 2005-09-05
Various ancient calendars (tags: calendar)
links for 2005-09-02
PhotoshopNews: Photoshop News and Information � Archive � Hasselblad launches the next generation of professional photography (tags: photography) HasLayout Overview Oh man. *Long* overdue, but incredibly welcome. (tags: css ie reference toread article) Chizen on Apple: ‘MacTel’ switch not easy | CNET (tags: photoshop mac article interview)
links for 2005-09-01
OED | How to Make Your Speaking Easier and More Effective Yup. (tags: speaking presentation communication toread) Programming Ruby: The Pragmatic Programmer’s Guide (tags: programming ruby reference) O’Reilly Network: Ruby on Rails: An Interview with David Heinemeier Hansson (tags: article interview ruby toread) Data Mining and Analytic Technologies (Kurt Thearling) (tags: article toread) Just show…
links for 2005-08-31
Testing the Accuracy of SLR Camera Focusing system (tags: photography) Photoshop Tutorials – The Lyzrd’s Stomp Nothing very interesting here, but still. (tags: photoshop tutorial)
links for 2005-08-30
qwantz: My Experience with Google AdSense Sound familiar? Uh huh. Thought so. (tags: blog evil google) Relax, Bill Gates; it’s Google’s turn as villain | CNET Read this when it was in NYT, forgot to bookmark. Ha! (tags: evil google) dooce: Who’s ready for more drunk blogging? ARE YOU READY? YEAH? YEAH! Yee haw…
links for 2005-08-29
Xenu – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (tags: weird religion)
links for 2005-08-28
:::Mo(nu)ments::: �Ine Dehandschutter: Akinori Oishi (tags: 0ephemera art) Why Good Programmers Are Lazy and Dumb Count me in! (tags: article geek programming) Insects (Bugs) Photo Gallery by Mark Plonsky at drool (tags: animals photography) Evolutionary trends in trilobites (tags: classification animals paleontology) Trilobite Classification Chart (tags: classification animals pal) Sirius Passet Lagerstätte (tags: paleontology)…