Categorie: Links
links for 2011-03-01
Nice Jewish Girl "I am very seriously considering not going to shule on Rosh Hashanah or Yom Kippur this year because God has already heard what I want many many times, and I am not in the mood to ask for forgiveness from a God who I feel so deeply has turned away from me."…
links for 2011-02-28
StephenT – (Fic) The History of the Watchers' Council – Intro The Watchers' Council of Great Britain prides itself on being the oldest known human organisation in existence. It has changed its name several times, been all but destroyed and then re-founded at least twice, and many of its older records are long lost and…
links for 2011-02-24
The Emperor Elagabalus by Leonardo de Arrizabalaga y Prado, reviewed by Mary Beard – TLS Is it possible to find out the truth about Elagabalus, teenage despot of Rome? (tags: rome history toread) How to Torrent a Book – Torrent Books Welcome to Torrent Books, your guide how to safely and easily downoad books, torrent…
links for 2011-02-21
Plex Web Export – Plex Forums Plex Export creates a local copy of your Plex library that you can share without requiring access to the media server. Uses PHP to generate a HTML/JavaScript website with multiple sections, live filtering and media information. (tags: plex media)
links for 2011-02-17
ROLLOVERS | M. Seth Jones / High-End Fashion & Beauty Retoucher "Who sees the human face correctly: the photographer, the mirror, or the painter?" In these selected images, you can witness first hand the impact that retouching has the potential to make on a single image. (tags: photoshop photography retouching)
links for 2011-02-16
Setting up SheepShaver for Mac OS X [E-Maculation] (tags: mac emulation osx apple)
links for 2011-02-10
How did WordPress win? (tags: wordpress business blogging movabletype history)
links for 2011-02-09
isolani – Javascript: Breaking the Web with hash-bangs Gawker/Lifehacker have violated the principle of progressive enhancement, and they paid for it immediately with an extended outage on day one of their new site launch. Every JavaScript hiccup will cause an outage, and directly affect Gawker’s revenue stream and the trust of their audience. (tags: javascript…
links for 2011-02-08
Paul Haggis Vs. the Church of Scientology : The New Yorker Paul Haggis vs. the Church of Scientology. (tags: scientology religion article) Traffic Adserver (C) 2010 I knew DEEP DOWN INSIDE that NOTHING I DID ONLINE FOR TRAFFIC WAS WORKING LIKE I REALLY HOPED IT WOULD! I was waiting for that special MOMENT when my…
links for 2011-02-07
Reasoning With Vampires Genius! "Before I had any right to dismiss Twihards or criticize the psychologically unhealthy relationship model that Bella Swan and Edward Cullen present, I felt obliged to read the books. So I did. All four novels, one novella, and an incomplete document in portable format. The content lived down to my expectations,…
links for 2011-02-04
How Porn Is Affecting the Libido of the American Male — New York Magazine Then I read about a University of Kansas study that found that 25 percent of college-age men said they’d faked orgasms, which, I’ll admit, was oddly comforting to hear. (tags: media internet sex porn)
links for 2011-02-03
War Nerd: Spartacus Live on Al Jazeera! – By Gary Brecher – The eXiled With the horses stopped dead, the cavalry is doomed. And what happens next is beautiful to watch. It restored my faith in humanity: even after centuries, these brave Cairo guys know exactly what to do against cavalry. We still got it!…
War Nerd over Egypte
Wat een zeldzame situatie, eigenlijk: een menigte mensen aan de ene kant en een menigte mensen aan de nadere kant, en géén moderne wapens in het spel, of toch bijna geen. Ik lees het laatste half jaar bijna niets anders dan geschiedenis van Rome, en Warnerd (via Martin Wisse) verwoordt het zo goed, dat ik…
links for 2011-01-25
F.lux: software to make your life better f.lux makes your computer screen look like the room you're in, all the time. When the sun sets, it makes your computer look like your indoor lights. In the morning, it makes things look like sunlight again. Tell f.lux what kind of lighting you have, and where you…
links for 2011-01-20
Liquid Cubed 1.0.3b — (6.82mb) download – Indie DB A technical demonstration of realistic liquid simulation for Minecraft, Liquid Cubed is a WIP project where you can build dams, pump water, drain lakes, and otherwise experiment with the liquid system within the building area. (tags: minecraft physics)