Categorie: Links

  • links for 2005-12-09

    Whoops but… butbutbutbut! Macs are perfect, aren’t they? What strange new horror is this?! (tags: mac) Gmail: Help Center – What is ‘Web Clips’? Google adds RSS to GMail. Calls it Web Clips (why?). Functionality worse than useless. Colour me thoroughly unimpressed. (tags: google rss) Good Morning Silicon Valley: Feeling a little bit of buyer’s…

  • links for 2005-12-08

    BlogJet – Blog – BlogJet 1.6 Released! (tags: tools blog software) BBC – Neighbours – Games – Harold Bishop The Lost Years Harold was PRESUMED DEAD for 5 years. He’s never remembered his lost years – UNTIL NOW (tags: bbc television)

  • links for 2005-12-07

    Welcome to the Freedroid homepage (tags: games) JOURNEY OF MANKIND – The Peopling of the World (tags: archaeology science) Otsuka Ai – Smily – Google Video (tags: cute video) Fawlty Towers Revisited :: 13th Episode Of Fawlty Towers? Basil and Numerology? Interview with Lars Holger Holm – Author of “Fawlty Towers – A Worshipper’s Companion”…

  • links for 2005-12-06 (tags: flash game cute) Little Fluffy Industries: Free Online Games Daily (tags: daily flash games) Something Awful (tags: fun toread) Real Live Preacher – What if we could do church any way that we wanted? Sounds neat. (tags: religion) X-MEN 3 Announcement Teaser (tags: movies x-men trailers) Ten lingering questions NYCers ask about 9/11…

  • links for 2005-12-05

    Paleolithic Diet Page (Paleo Diet, Caveman Diet, Hunter/Gatherer Diet) (tags: food diet archaeology) Aria Giovanni – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (tags: wikipedia biography) Dutch Schultz On His Deathbed (tags: writing death) Dietitian – Healthy Body Calculator Excellent. (tags: tools health) pseudo-class, pseudo-element, pseudo-CSS: IE/Win bugs with :first-letter, :hover & Co. (tags: css design hack ie)…

  • links for 2005-12-04

    Ugarit (tags: archeology history) Que Sera Sera: Fan fic That’s, lke, just plain *creepy*. (tags: weird weblog) John Battelle’s Searchblog: Only In The Movies? A Privacy Scenario (tags: search story movies) Factum Non Fabula Julie Andrews/Adolf Hitler – Bastards & Blood (tags: weird crazy conspiracy)

  • links for 2005-12-03

    Paris Hilton’s Screwed (tags: music) 24 ways huh? (tags: 0ephemera) How to Build a Universe That Doesn’t Fall Apart Two Days Later That Philip K. Dick, he one *weird* guy. (tags: literature toread philosophy weird) Welcome to News Alloy – RSS Reader, Blog Reader, News Reader, Imformation Management Solution Ajaxy, tra la la. And *of…

  • Trekt eens aan mijn vinger

    Tee hee. Meer moet dat niet zijn. Nee meneer. humor

  • links for 2005-12-02

    eBMJ — How to read a paper (tags: articles science) Twisted Toy Store Ahem. (tags: toys funny) Workbench: Adam Curry Caught in Sticky Wiki Sneaky little bastard. (tags: podcast wikipedia) NeologismWatch: Online ‘art games’ (tags: art games)

  • links for 2005-12-01

    cityrag: considering liposuction? Tara Reid, tsk tsk tsk. (tags: weird) Star Wars: Blogs | Shadow of a Hidden Thought | The Birth of Anakin Skywalker -Revealed (tags: starwars) Tantek’s Thoughts History of a hack (tags: reference css hack) Nick Montfort’s Book and Volume (tags: game if) Who’s fixing the slanders slipped into Wikipedia biographies? Harrowing…

  • links for 2005-11-30

    20 Types of Blog Posts – Battling Bloggers Block How about doing 20 posts in a day, one for each type? (tags: blog writing) official firefox extension …and about bloody time too (tags: firefox) The age of Ray Kurzweil – The Boston Globe (tags: article toread) uh huh — “how the US…

  • links for 2005-11-29

    Writing the Fastest Code, by Hand, for Fun: A Human Computer Keeps Speeding Up Chips – New York Times Fascinating (tags: programming) Xbox2 seriously locks out Linux hackers Tee hee (tags: xbox microsoft games) So You Want To Shoot A Giraffe In The Forehead (tags: humour) Eye Movement and Lying – How to detect lies…

  • links for 2005-11-28

    OpenRPG (tags: game opensource) XI°: Anal Intercourse and the Ordo Templi Orientis That rascal Crowley. (tags: esotery sex) Zak Smith’s Illustrations For Each Page of Gravity’s Rainbow (tags: graphics books) Fine new Seymour Hersh on W and Iraq *shudder* (tags: politics usa) Gollum, the Wikipedia Browser Can anyone tell me what the point of this…

  • links for 2005-11-27

    Google Groups : alt.drugs.pot Hot knives. Heh. (tags: drugs)

  • links for 2005-11-25

    Superb concise timeline of USA-vs-alJazeera (tags: politics usa) Knoop Hm. (tags: blog) Arrrgh, I plugged my new iPod into my old Mac and lost everything on it. Never got a confirmation di… Long live Apple 🙂 (tags: ap) Damn Small Linux (DSL), 50 megabytes of penguin power (tags: linux) State-of-the-art fluid-flow sims demo reel Picture…