Tag: art

  • Links van 27 maart 2019 tot 29 maart 2019

    The Day the Dinosaurs Died | The New Yorker“We have the whole KT event preserved in these sediments,” DePalma said. “With this deposit, we can chart what happened the day the Cretaceous died.” No paleontological site remotely like it had ever been found, and, if DePalma’s hypothesis proves correct, the scientific value of the site…

  • Links van 15 november 2017 tot 8 januari 2018

    IBM Design LanguageHeerlijke stijlgids. Trump is making Obama great again – The Boston GlobeBeyond the nation’s shores, there are some places around the world, though not many, where Trump is more popular than Obama. A 2017 Pew Research Center survey polled 37 nations across the world about their opinions of the two presidents, and all…

  • Links van 27 september 2017 tot 1 oktober 2017

    De lotgevallen van de Witte: Over privileges, rechten en macht. – Jan Blommaert (en z’n gedachten)Wat het “white privilege” verhaaltje dus niet doet, is de macht zoeken waar ze werkelijk ligt. Neen, ze smeert de macht uit over een oneindig aantal “witte mensen”, zodat ze in wezen onzichtbaar wordt en nooit onder vuur komt te…

  • Links van 27 april 2016 tot 5 mei 2016

    Microsoft’s hover gestures for Windows phones are magnificent | The VergeIt's not clear whether Microsoft will ever bring its 3D Touch work to the market. The software giant is largely retrenching from its Lumia Windows phones, and rumors suggest the company is focusing on a "Surface Phone" launch for next year. While Windows Phone might…

  • Links van 7 september 2014 tot 10 september 2014

    Using SVG to shrink your PNGs | Peter HrynkowWouldn’t it be great if you could get the compression of a JPEG and keep the transparency of a PNG? Well, you can, sort of. Code Rush : David Winton : Free Download & Streaming : Internet ArchiveThe Film Code Rush follows the people of Netscape Communications…

  • Links van 26 juni 2014 tot 30 juni 2014

    random thoughts: Dissecting the 128-byte raycasterLately a Reddit post caught my attention which is about a raycaster demo, animated, with mouse control and texture mapping,  in only 128 bytes. Out of curiosity, I took a look at the source code  and spent some time trying to figure out how it works. Fontblog | Ed Sheeran’s…

  • Links van 10 maart 2014 tot 28 maart 2014

    The slow, sad death of Last.fmLast.fm used to know about bands before they were cool. Alas, there’s nothing up-and-coming about Last.fm these days. Steve Jobs wasn’t even okay with Google hiring former Apple engineers | Breaking Apple News, Tips and Reviews from The Unofficial Apple Weblogit would be much easier to "move on, forget, forgive" if…

  • Links van 8 januari 2014 tot 9 januari 2014

    The Jesus Blog: The Testimonium Flavianum, Eusebius, and Consensus (Guest Post) – OlsonIn this post, I’ll try to make clear why I am skeptical toward common scholarly claims about what an early Christian writer would or would not have written in a brief passage about Jesus. Native Ads Are The Worst Idea In The World…

  • Links van 11 november 2013 tot 12 november 2013

    How I Ate No Food for 30 Days | Motherboard“Eating just for the nutrients is like having sex just to procreate,” she said. Bill Gates: Here’s My Plan to Improve Our World — And How You Can Help | Wired Business | Wired.comSerieuze mens: "These days I get to spend a lot of time trying…

  • Links van 2 mei 2012 tot 8 mei 2012

    swissmiss | Two kids in a carThese two kids saw the GOTYE music video SOMEBODY THAT I USED TO KNOW and fell in love with it. They started requesting the song every time they’d be riding in the car, singing along, of course. One day, their parents set up a go camera behind their seat…

  • Links van 7 maart 2012 tot 12 maart 2012

    Improv Everywhere – Spinning Beach Ball of Death – YouTubeIt's rare that two obnoxious phenomena completely jump the shark at the same time. Striptekenaar Jean Giraud/Moebius overleden – De StandaardMet de dood van de Franse stripmaker Jean Giraud, die ook publiceerde als Moebius, verliest Europa een van zijn invloedrijkste auteurs. U.S. Warns Apple, Publishers on…

  • Links voor 7 maart 2012

    Redheads feel a different kind of pain | ScienceNordicCatherin Tate vindicated! Redheads have a reputation for being feistier than others, and there may be some truth in this. Scientists are gradually piecing together a picture which seems to indicate that redheads are constituted differently to other people. Santiago CARUSO – IllustratorSantiago Caruso is an Illustrator…

  • Links van 6 januari 2012 tot 7 januari 2012

    Links van 6 januari 2012 tot 7 januari 2012

    Carved Book Landscapes by Guy Laramee | ColossalFor the better part of three decades multidisciplinary artist Guy Laramee has worked as a stage writer, director, composer, a fabricator of musical instruments, a singer, sculptor, painter and writer. Among his sculptural works are two incredible series of carved book landscapes and structures entitled Biblios and The…

  • Links van 14 december 2011 tot 17 december 2011

    Dirty Signs – I Want to Eat Your Lesbian Vagina – YouTubeDirty Signs with Kristin! Today, we've got one for the ladies with the phrase, "I want to eat your lesbian vagina." Have a great night! Bfxr. Make sound effects for your games.Bfxr is an elaboration of the glorious Sfxr, the program of choice for…

  • Links van 12 november 2011 tot 5 december 2011

    Arcade Improv: Humans Pretending to Be Videogames – Waxy.orgInstantly, Mike and Jerry understood, along with everyone in the audience born before 1978. Catherine Young & Family, Page OneA family working in the Tifton (Ga.) Cotton Mill. Mrs. A.J. Young works in mill and at home. Nell (oldest girl) alternates in mill with mother. Mammy (next…