Tag: twitter
Links van 10 maart 2018 tot 11 maart 2018
A very EU coup: Martin Selmayr’s astonishing power grab | The SpectatorMartin Selmayr has always dreamed of being known beyond the Brussels bubble. His wish has now been granted, albeit in not quite the way he might have hoped. It has arrived in the form of a brilliantly executed coup that has handed this 47-year-old…
Links van 14 oktober 2017 tot 17 oktober 2017
One person’s history of Twitter, from beginning to endTwitter was built at the tail end of that era. Their goal was giving everyone a voice. They were so obsessed with giving everyone a voice that they never stopped to wonder what would happen when everyone got one. And they never asked themselves what everyone meant.…
Links van 1 november 2014 tot 5 november 2014
The formula that explains why all hipsters look the sameEver wondered why those who rail against conformity appear to favour the same types of clothes, trundle around on the same fixie bikes and all sup on the same rare Bolivian coffee beans from the same pop-up cafes in the same trendy neighbourhoods of their city?…
Links van 3 juni 2014 tot 6 juni 2014
Adactio: Journal—Notes from a small websitePostel’s Law is alive and well in 2014: afstappen van Twitter en toch niet en toch wel. En zelf controleren wat en hoe. Steve Wozniak – Founders at WorkI built this whole Basic up and it worked, and that was the hardest project I did. Normally you type a computer…
Siegfried Bracke noemt Daniël Termont “pathologische leugenaar”
Om de zoveel tijd trek ik nog eens mijn Twitterdinges open. Dat staat dan een minuut of tien te draaien, en dan moet het onvermijdelijk weer weg, ter vermijding van maagzweren en andere miserie. Ik heb namelijk zo’n kolom staan waarin Belgische politici zitten, en dat is altijd huilen met allerlei hoofddeksels op. Siegfried “ik…
Links van 3 februari 2012 tot 7 februari 2012
Path uploads your entire iPhone address book to its serversUpon inspecting closer, I noticed that my entire address book (including full names, emails and phone numbers) was being sent as a plist to Path. Now I don’t remember having given permission to Path to access my address book and send its contents to its servers,…
Links van 27 december 2011 tot 2 januari 2012
scrolloramaThe jQuery plugin for doing cool scrolly stuff How the Hashtag Is Ruining the English LanguageThe hashtag is a vulgar crutch, a lazy reach for substance in the personal void—written clipart. Babbage was a true geniusIf he'd built a 3-digit AE, his instruction set would have exceeded the computing capabilities of every 8-bit machine in…
Links van 26 mei 2011 tot 27 mei 2011
Contenu de notre intervention sur Facebook « JournalisteWeb.beLe Café Numérique avait invité Marina Aubert et deux Community Managers, Florence Manente et Marie Van Humbeeck, à intervenir ensemble sur le thème « Réussir sa page Facebook ». Voici une reprise détaillée de l’intervention. xkcd wikipedia steps to philosophy(Wikipedia trivia: if you take any article, click on the first…
Links voor 14 april 2011
How Twitter Was FoundedHow Twitter's owners and top executives say Twitter was founded is different than how Twitter was actually founded. Mainly, the official version leaves out the role of a major cofounder. Some early Twitter investors also wonder if it also leaves out a scandal. The iPhone Tab Bar « SignificantPixelsOver the last couple of…
Hi, Michel Vuijlsteke. Mega Mindy (MegaMindy) is now following your updates on Twitter. Check out Mega Mindy’s profile here: http://twitter.com/MegaMindy You may follow Mega Mindy as well by clicking on the “follow” button. Best,Twitter
Inferis hoera!
‘t Is nekeer wat anders: Hoera & proficiat op voorhand! update: geboren! een jongen! ’t zelfde als bij Koen en Katrien: Klaas! proficiat Tom en Katrien (en Fien)! (oh man, hoeveel keer gaan zij niet moeten horen een koningswens! maar dan omgekeerd!)