Goed bezig in Amerika.
“I had a guy who was arrested for possession of Xanax, a prescription drug, and the guy had a bottle with his name on the prescription. They arrested him anyway,” she says. “I’ve had too many clients tell me an undercover walks up to them, and tells them to pick up that empty nickel bag there on the ground. My client picks it up, because they’re afraid, and then the undercover arrests them for possession. I have clients routinely stopped and arrested for ’trespass’ simply because they ‘might’ have been buying drugs or selling drugs, walking from the bodega to their apartments or crossing the green.
“Isn’t anybody embarrassed — isn’t anybody really embarrassed by this? I mean, what is the point?” [Salon]
Het komt erop neer dat New York een zero tolerance-beleid heeft tegen drugs, en tegelijkertijd dat er uit het zero tolerance-fonds overuren betaald worden, en tegelijkertijd dat men van de gewone agenten overuren eist. Ergo, excessen.