
Ik kan niet genoeg zeggen dat iedereen The Julie/Julia Project moet lezen.

Echt bijzonder boeiend, en vooral vooroordelendoorbrekend. Dat ze zoiets aandurft, proper. In ‘t kort: Julie gaat over een periode van een jaar de recepten uit Mastering the Art of French Cooking maken.

Ze slaagt er wonderwel in, én ze schrijft er bijzonder smakelijk over

I spent the better part of half an hour working the pig skin off the joint; when I got it off it looked like I was planning to make a woman suit.  Then followed the nearly unsuccessful and very much not pretty attempt to hack the shoulder into two pieces, one for the freezer (pork stew on spicy Thursday?) on for the pot.  Once I’d finally wrestled a piece free, I tied it up with kitchen twine until it vaguely approximated something that had not been torn to pieces by rabid dogs.  The chicken I cut oh-so-neatly down the middle, and put one half in the freezer.  The second half I rigged a sad little trussing for, ankle to wing.  As usual with trussed chickens, it looked a little naughty, only more so since it was cut in half too.

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