’t Zijn de Keystone Kops, I swear!
Sniper: “Hello, Hello, can you hear me?”
Cops: “Can’t hear you, it’s garbled!”
Sniper: “Okay, I am driving towards the nearest cell phone tower I see. Can you hear me now?”
Cops: “We are getting some of it, but it’s garbled.”
Sniper: “Shit. Okay, now I am going to walk out and sit on the base of the nearest cell phone tower I see. Can you hear me now?”
Cops: “Nope, still garbled.” [can you believe the asshat is falling for this? The old garbled message trick?]
Sniper: “Shit, this isn’t working. Can you give me an adress where I might turn up at a specified time and call you?”
Cops: “If it isn’t too much trouble, could you show up at the pay phone at the junction of Elm and Maple? At the gas station?”
Sniper: “You got it.”
En dan asshat Moose: we hebben de sniper! Ze zijn met twee! Of neen! Toch niet! Het zijn illegale immigranten! Maar zou de sniper ons kunnen terugbellen? Want we hebben hem niet goed kunnen verstaan!
Tchhh. Keystone Kops I tell you.