En dat werkt nog ook… Ik geef in “Lucy de la Tour du Pin”, en ik krijg dit terug:
Memoirs of Madame de la Tour du Pin: Laughing and Dancing Our Way to the Precipice
— Henrietta-Lucy Dillon de la Tour du Pin Gouvernet, et al; Paperback -
Citizens: A Chronicle of the French Revolution
— Simon Schama; Paperback• Excerpt from page 437: “. . . change had been disturbed
by matters getting out of hand. Lucy de La Tour du Pin’s kinsman Lally-
Tollendal, for example, may have been hastened in . . .“
See more references to lucy de la tour du pin in this book.
The French Revolution and Napoleon: A Sourcebook
— Philip G. Dwyer (Editor), et al; Paperback• Excerpt from page 203: “. . . for Louis XVI during
his trial led to his execution. Lucy and her husband emigrated to Boston
in 1793, returning in 1796. Lucy de La Tour du Pin wrote the first. part of
her memoirs in 1820 and . . .“
See more references to lucy de la tour du pin in this book.
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