Haha, de oogst van vandaag:
SELECT count( id ) , denied_reason FROM `wp_bad_behavior_log` GROUP BY denied_reason
count(id) | denied_reason |
3178 | Required header ‘Accept’ missing |
67 | User-Agent claimed to be MSIE, with invalid Windows version |
18 | User-Agent beginning with ‘Jakarta Commons’ prohibited |
15 | User-Agent containing ‘Indy Library’ prohibited |
13 | User-Agent containing ‘WISEnutbot’ prohibited |
12 | Prohibited header ‘Proxy-Connection’ present |
10 | User-Agent containing ‘compatible ; MSIE’ prohibited |
9 | Connection: TE present, not supported by MSIE |
6 | I know you and I don’t like you, dirty spammer. |
4 | User-Agent beginning with ‘libwww-perl’ prohibited |
3 | Header ‘TE’ present but TE not specified in ‘Connection’ header |
2 | User-Agent beginning with ‘Microsoft URL’ prohibited |
1 | User-Agent matching regex ‘/^Mozilla…0$/i’ prohibited |
Sterf, spammers! Leve Bad Behavio(u)r!
Geschreven al luisterend naar: Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach – 6 concerti per il cembalo concertato accompagnato da due violini; violetta e basso; con due corni e due flauti per rinforza – Concerto, Wq 43, 3 in Mi bemolle maggiore 3
4 reacties op “De oogst”
Tot Bad Behavior je zelf niet meer toelaat tot je eigen site, vorige week nog meegemaakt :S
Bad Behavior shouldn’t be blocking normal people… see http://error.wordpress.com/2005/09/30/what-to-do-when-bad-behavior-blocks-you-or-your-friends/
En nu laat uw site me niet meer toe vanaf werk…
Zie ook http://www.cloggie.org/wissewords/index.php?entry=/20051117-annoying-error-message-at-deltoid.txt
Ah getver. Als ik uw IP-nummer weet, kan ik het whitelisten!