In de “Ceci n’est pas un FAQ” over de nieuwe machine tags van Flickr (zie ook alhier), schrijft Aaron Straup Cope onder meer dit.
# Is the predicate *really* a predicate?
You are in a dark cave. In the corner is a fire and a man making bunny shadows on the wall with his hands. Whether or not it’s really a ‘predicate’ depends on how much time you spend on the semantic-web mailing list. 😉
It’s close enough to being a predicate that it makes for a good short-hand.
# Wait, aren’t machine tags just RDF?
No, machine tags are not RDF; they could play RDF on television, though.
See also :
# Huh, what is RDF ?
RDF Describes Flickr. That’s really all you need to know about RDF.
Ik moet daar dus heel erg hard om lachen. 😀
3 reacties op “Best FAQ ever”
Ik vond dat ook bijzonder grappig, inderdaad.
“In the corner is a fire and a man making bunny shadows on the wall with his hands”
Dat is dus duidelijk verschillend van mijn versie van Plato’s “Politeia”.
Best FAQ ever – Michel Vuijlsteke’s weblog – Michel Vuijlsteke’s Weblog