Professor Pausch in Star Trek

Oh. Wijs. Randy Pausch is bekend van deze lezing:

…die hij zo omschrijft:

Almost all of us have childhood dreams: for example, being an astronaut, or making movies or video games for a living. Sadly, most people don’t achieve theirs, and I think that’s a shame. I had several specific childhood dreams, and I’ve actually achieved most of them. More importantly, I have found ways, in particular the creation (with Don Marinelli), of CMU’s Entertainment Technology Center (, of helping many young people actually *achieve* their childhood dreams. This talk will discuss how I achieved my childhood dreams (being in zero gravity, designing theme park rides for Disney, and a few others), and will contain realistic advice on how *you* can live your life so that you can make your childhood dreams come true, too.

Oh ja. Hij is 47 en in augustus 2006 zei zijn dokter hem dat hij pancreaskanker had. In augustus 2007 bleek vanalles uitgezaaid, en heeft zijn dokter hem gezegd dat hij nog drie tot zes maand kwaliteitsvol leven over heeft.

En kijk, hij zit in de laatste Star Trek. How cool is that?