IA Summit

Al die interessante dingen, binnen twee weken in Miami.

Eén ding ligt al vast: een pre-conference workshop met Peter Morville (dé Peter Morville, moet daar dan bij, eigenlijk: van de lemur en mee van de ijsbeer). Hij gaat vertellen over de toekomst van informatiearchitectuur, in Information Architecture 3.0:

As we venture beyond Web 2.0 and the undisciplined, unbalanced quest for sexy Ajaxian interaction at the expense of usability, findability, and accessibility, how do we reconcile the timeless principles of design and organization with new transmedia models of interaction, co-creation, tagging, user participation, and social experience?

Ook de keynote ligt vast, Jared Spool (dé Jared Spool) over (alweer) de toekomst:

Previously fundamental techniques, such as usability testing and persona development, are now regularly under attack. And let’s not forget that today’s shining stars, such as Google, Facebook, Twitter, and the iPod, came to their success without UCD practices.

Is it time for user-centered design to evolve into something else? Or is there something else happening in our world of experience design that makes UCD obsolete? Should something else occupy the center of design?

Maar dan, de rest van de conferentie: l’embarras du choix. Ik denk voorlopig dit:

Zucht. Zucht. Al die keuze. Er zijn zo enorm veel andere programma’s samen te stellen, ‘t is niet proper.