Zo mooi, eigenlijk:
The very idea of translating a story like Gilgamesh for apes seems so tantalizing that I don’t think it can be done: somebody would have done it already and we would know about it. But I do present this version of Gilgamesh in the good faith that some day, many generations from now, some ape will enjoy the experience of meeting Gilgamesh.
At the moment, perhaps, this story will appear to them like the Jabberwocky poem appeared to Alice (in Wonderland): “Somehow it seems to fill my head with ideas–only I don’t exactly know what they are! However, SOMEBODY killed SOMETHING: that’s clear, at any rate–”.
(Here are Gilgamesh and Enkidu.)
Enkidu is Come-ing
Gilgamesh is Big.
Gilgamesh has nest in house.
If Gilgamesh groom it hurt.
Enkidu has nest outdoors.
Enkidu wash(es) in River.
Gilgamesh fight like Enkidu.
Gilgamesh said, orang-utan go see Enkidu.
Enkidu groom(s) orang-utan.
Enkidu wrong ! Enkidu wrong !
Enkidu has new feel-ing.
Enkidu not happy in outdoors.
Enkidu go-to house Gilgamesh.
Enkidu said, Gilgamesh groom not hurt.
Enkidu and Gilgamesh hug and play.
Into the Forest!
In sleep Gilgamesh look in(side) Gilgamesh.
Today we go into forest.
Gilgamesh need forest-stick.
Gilgamesh big house many bedroom make.
Enkidu said, we not go there.
Monster has nest in forest.
Enkidu is scared.
Gilgamesh is not scared.
Gilgamesh has knife.
Gilgamesh and Enkidu go into forest.
Later Later Later Later
Gilgamesh and Enkidu are midway
Later Later Later Later.
Now Gilgamesh and Enkidu see forest.
Make nest up green hilltop.
Sleep, quiet night.
Then Gilgamesh make noise.
Gilgamesh broken Forest-stick.
Noise come in ear monster.
Monster is not happy.
Monster chase Gilgamesh and Enkidu.
Monster said, Keep-Away.
Monster said, this is my forest.
Monster said, you are bad !
Gilgamesh wait and see.
Gilgamesh has hello head.
Monster now thinks different.
Monster said, I not need forest.
Gilgamesh take monster back house?
Gilgamesh said, yes.
Enkidu said, monster pretend, monster has mask, monster not good.
Monster is monster, said Gilgamesh.
Gilgamesh bite hurt monster.
Enkidu bite hurt monster.
Gilgamesh and Enkidu go back house.
Many forest-stick in backpack.
The Water-Blanket.
In sleep-talk I am show many tomorrow-s.
The Outdoors is sick.
Tomorrow the wash-ing water come and hide many thing-s down water and the rain is
the medicine.
Sleep-talk said, you make house into turtle-piece that bubbles up water-blanket.
You wait in turtle-piece.
Get many food and drink.
Take clay color bird-s.
If night gone, bird go goodbye.
If night come, bird come hello.
The same for many time.
Then surprise!
Bird not come back.
bird can sit.
Gone is the water-blanket.
Yesterday different today different tomorrow.
Tomorrow is the paper we draw today and we need try think and do and make and talk
different, if not, water-blanket come back.
2 reacties op “Gilgamesh voor mensapen”
Een beetje te veel allemaal om te lezen. Als er nu eens prentjes waren bij geweest, dan.. ja, dan !
Over ’t algemeen voel ik tegenstand als mensen in hun taal proberen communiceren met dieren. Zo vind ik bv. dat een mens niet moet willen dat zijn hond zijn taal verstaat, maar zijn vermeende intelligentie moet gebruiken om zichzelf verstaanbaar te maken voor een hond.
Als communicatie via lexigrammen de mensapen echt de mogelijkheid geeft om te communiceren met mensen én mensen ook bereid zijn om na dat aanleren ook stil te staan bij wat de mensaap eventueel wil overbrengen – m.a.w. als hij bereid is om te luisteren – dan vind ik dat ook ‘mooi’.