Links van 14 augustus 2015 tot 19 augustus 2015

What Paleo diet experts think – and why they’re wrong | Life and style | The Guardian
Claims by proponents of the carbohydrate-averse food regimen supposedly based on what our paleolithic ancestors ate do not stand up to scientific scrutiny

Information Consumerism: The Price of Hypocrisy – Überwachung – FAZ
many Europeans are finally grasping, to their great dismay, that the word “cloud” in “cloud computing” is just a euphemism for “some dark bunker in Idaho or Utah.”

With hundreds of thousands of new supporters, Labour is on the verge of something big – what a complete disaster! – Comment – Voices – The Independent
The fervour around Jeremy Corbyn is extraordinary, but it wouldn’t be fair to suggest he’s the only Labour politician who can bring large crowds on to the streets to greet him. Tony Blair is just as capable. In his case the crowds are there to scream that he should be arrested for war crimes and to throw things at him, but that’s being pernickety; he can certainly draw an audience.

Les Forges | Cours de pixel art 1 : préface
Le pixel art, même s'il a aujourd'hui perdu beaucoup de son importance à l'échelle de l'industrie du jeu vidéo, demeure un médium très utile aux créateurs indépendants et aux petites productions. Sa patte immédiatement reconnaissable a le don d'émouvoir une large frange de joueurs, tout en offrant aux créateurs l'occasion d'utiliser des techniques uniques en leur genre. C'est de ces techniques que nous allons parler aujourd'hui, dans cette édition revue et augmentée du cours de pixel art original des Forges.

Author | Haruki Murakami
Haruki Murakami's bureau.