Benjamin Button Reviews The New MacBook Pro (Pinboard Blog)
The new MacBook Pro shows that Apple is finally becoming serious about developers. Gone is the gimmicky TouchBar, gone are the four USB-C ports that forced power users to carry a suitcase full of dongles. In their place we get a cornucopia of developer-friendly ports: two USB 3.0 and Thunderbolt 2 ports, a redesigned power connector, and a long-awaited HDMI port.

Design Is Never Done – Articles – Google Design
In an effort to make all of Material Design more accessible, we’re bringing our existing work together in one place, This site establishes a new visual identity for the Material initiative, one that will support our latest visual guidance and releases—from tools to reusable components and refined interactive motion.

Beyond ISDS | diggit magazine
So why not take ISDS one step further, and recognize that the globalization of business and finance does indeed require an international jurisdiction, but a real one, one in which all parties have access to the same legal instruments. Why not think of an international court for economic crimes, modeled, perhaps, on the present International Court of Justice in The Hague – an idea that has been around for a while? It would add a quite commonsensical dimension lacking from the present ISDS system: that "Investor State Disputes" may have either one of both parties in either of the roles in the dispute – perpetrator as well as victim. And that true justice can only be done when this elementary principle is restored.

‘Waarom schuwt Bart De Wever al twee jaar lang elk inhoudelijk debat over CETA?’ – België – Knack Mobile
De Vlaams-nationalisten hebben altijd 'meer bevoegdheden' geëist voor de regionale parlementen. Maar nu die er zijn, hebben die in Vlaanderen net niet geleid tot meer debat, meer inspraak, meer democratie. Integendeel. Vandaar dat De Wever en Vlaams minister-president Geert Bourgeois nu met het verhaaltje afkomen alsof het verzet in Wallonië dateert van de laatste twee weken. Dat moeten ze tenminste zelf niet spreken over het non-debat dat zij zelf twee jaar lang hebben georganiseerd in het Vlaams Parlement: geen brede democratische debatten, geen rijk pallet aan hoorzittingen, geen tegensprekelijke discussie. In Vlaanderen heeft de N-VA resoluut gekozen voor de achterkamerpolitiek, net zoals de Europese elite dat zo graag doet.

On Guilty Pleasures – Ann Leckie
Zo is het maar net: "Why are my personal preferences, some of them in such viscerally basic areas of my life–the taste of food!–subject to what is essentially a moral judgement? Why am I only supposed to admit liking what’s publicly valorized, and ashamed of liking what’s not? And isn’t it funny how the stuff that I’m supposed to be ashamed of liking is inexpensive, mass produced, and easy to obtain? Isn’t that interesting?"