The ruthlessly effective rebranding of Europe’s new far right | World news | The Guardian
Across the continent, rightwing populist parties have seized control of the political conversation. How have they done it? By stealing the language, causes and voters of the traditional left

Trump: het einde van het propagandamodel – Jan Blommaert (en z’n gedachten)
Grote groepen mensen stemmen nu non-lineair en niet-propositioneel. Ze steunen kandidaten om zeer uiteenlopende redenen en hebben vaak volmaakt lak aan de eigenlijke programmapunten van kandidaten. Ze stemmen ook vanuit heel andere identiteits- en groepsposities dan de klassieke catalogus van de politieke demografie. Die groepen vormen zich nadrukkelijk online, en elk van de vermelde politieke actoren had de grote media simpelweg niet nodig omdat ze online het hele spel beheersten. Sanders, bijvoorbeeld, was minder gepolijst, jong en “all American” dan zowat alle tegenstrevers, en noemde zichzelf nog eens onomwonden “socialist” in de VS, maar was een absolute hit op sociale media, met name bij jongeren.

Why Slack may live to regret its smarmy letter to Microsoft – The Verge
A day later, the main thing people know about Microsoft Teams is that it fills Slack with existential dread — which is, of course, a compelling reason to go try it out. Any heightened market awareness Slack gained from advertising in the Times is overshadowed by the anxiety bubbling up from every word in its letter.

When you visit, it tries to detect if you have an ad blocker. If it detects one, it opens a WebSocket connection that acts as a backup mechanism for delivering ads.

Display Advertising with Real-Time Bidding (RTB) and Behavioural Targeting
In this monograph, we provide an overview of the fundamental
infrastructure, algorithms, and technical challenges and their solutions
of this new frontier of computational advertising. The topics we have
covered include user response prediction, bid landscape forecasting, bidding
algorithms, revenue optimisation, statistical arbitrage, dynamic pricing, and
ad fraud detection.