fitteR happieR
Radiohead has been my favorite band for a while, so I am used to people politely suggesting that I play something “less depressing.” Much of Radiohead’s music is undeniably sad, and this post catalogs my journey to quantify that sadness, concluding in a data-driven determination of their most depressing song.

The Strange & Curious Tale of the Last True Hermit | GQ
For nearly thirty years, a phantom haunted the woods of Central Maine. Unseen and unknown, he lived in secret, creeping into homes in the dead of night and surviving on what he could steal. To the spooked locals, he became a legend—or maybe a myth. They wondered how he could possibly be real. Until one day last year, the hermit came out of the forest

Post-Olympic Abandonment – A blog by TMD studio – Medium
We wondered: What happens to Olympic venues and infrastructure after the closing ceremony, once the athletes and media have packed up and returned home? Are the Olympics an opportunity for long-term infrastructure resilience for the host cities?

Announcing TypeScript 2.2 | TypeScript
Today our team is happy to present our latest release with TypeScript 2.2! For those who haven’t yet heard of it, TypeScript is a simple extension to JavaScript to add optional types along with all the new ECMAScript features. TypeScript builds on the ECMAScript standard and adds type-checking to make you way more productive through cleaner code and stronger tooling. Your TypeScript code then gets transformed into clean, runnable JavaScript that even older browsers can run.

API Design Guide  |  Cloud APIs  |  Google Cloud Platform
This is a general design guide for networked APIs. It has been used inside Google since 2014 and is the guide we follow when designing Cloud APIs and other Google APIs. It is shared here to inform outside developers and to make it easier for us all to work together.

En 2013, Siegfried Bracke a perçu de l’argent pour conseiller… Tecteo-Nethys
Boom, c’est le bruit d’un boomerang.

Wat je verliest als je geen kinderen krijgt – De Standaard
Urgh. "Mijn moeder stelde tientallen foto­albums samen en mijn beide ouders zijn van het type ‘ooit ga ik die dozen opruimen’. Ik combineer die genen met het schrijverschap, mijn archief barst uit zijn voegen en ik bewaar voortdurend spullen waarvan ik me afvraag: voor wie? Vroeger zei ik: voor mijn kleinkinderen, tegenwoordig denk ik aan wetenschappers en archeologen, maar dat is niet lang vol te houden, want welke navorser zit er op mijn rommel te wachten? Wat heeft het nog voor zin om spullen te bewaren? Niemand zal mijn kleren dragen, zoals ik de psychedelische jurkjes van mijn moeder droeg. Niemand zal de door de tand des tijds getekende foto’s van mijn grootouders bestuderen om er de kaaklijn van zichzelf in te herkennen. Niemand zal mijn liefdesbrieven met een mengeling van gêne en nieuwsgierigheid ontcijferen. Alles wat ik bewaar, is vooral een immense opruimtaak voor mensen die nooit zo betrokken zullen zijn."

Sir Edward Heath WAS a paedophile, says police chief | Daily Mail Online
Huh. "The police chief investigating claims that Sir Edward Heath was a paedophile is convinced the allegations are ‘120 per cent’ genuine, The Mail on Sunday can reveal. More than 30 people have come forward with claims of sexual abuse by the former Conservative Prime Minister, according to well-placed sources.  And they are said to have given ‘strikingly similar’ accounts of incidents to Wiltshire Police – even though the individuals are not known to each other."

How Donald Trump Could Build an Autocracy in the U.S. – The Atlantic
The benefit of controlling a modern state is less the power to persecute the innocent, more the power to protect the guilty.