Why We’ve Lost to President Trump
If it was going to happen, it would have happened by now. After months of chanting this is not normal the new normal is fully vested in our society. The critical moment came upon us, and when it did the People stood up and spoke with a single voice with a clear message: We'll put up with it.

John McCain Is the Perfect American Lie | GQ
This is vile. John McCain was never anyone’s white knight. This is the man who ushered in the age of troll candidacies by tapping Sarah Palin as his running mate. This is the man who caved to Donald Trump even after Trump had the audacity to mock his time as a POW. This is the man who called his own wife a cunt in public. This is a man who has spent all this time acting as if all the Bad Republicans were forcing him to go along with their nefarious deeds while voting in lockstep with them. He is not a reluctant Republican. He’s a shitbag, same as the rest of them.

Stortvloed van verontwaardiging: Gentse politie doorprikt illusie kuikens in blender | Topics.be
"De media berichtten meer over de heisa dan over de achtergrond", merkt Michel Vuijlsteke op, lid van de ethische commissie van CirQ. "Over de duizenden kuikentjes die dagelijks in machines worden verhakseld verscheen geen woord."

Gezien: Vlaams Belang en N-VA vieren samen 11 juli | BRUZZ
Op de affiche staan leden van het Vlaams Belang en de N-VA schouder aan schouder, met onder meer de Brusselse N-VA'ers Karl Vanlouwe, Johan Van den Driesche, Liesbeth Dhaene en Cieltje Van Achter. Maar ook nationale N-VA-kopstukken zoals Jan Peumans, Zuhal Demir en Theo Francken, die de uitnodiging via Facebook mee verspreidt, tekenen present. "Het is inderdaad bijzonder dat we mensen van allerlei partijen hebben, los van de partijpolitieke concurrentie", zegt Daelemans daarover.

Startups that raised $1.48 billion have shut down, or may soon – Business Insider
We're halfway through 2017 and already a group of startups that together raised $1.48 billion have shut down.