– Everything I Learned in Design School
That's why this website exists. This is a list of everything I've found useful in my journey of learning design, and an ongoing list of things I think you should read. This is for budding UX, UI, Interaction, or whatever other title designers.

How the Ballpoint Pen Changed Handwriting – The Atlantic
despite its popularity, the ballpoint pen is relatively new in the history of handwriting, and its influence on popular handwriting is more complicated than the Bic campaign would imply

Rare microbes lead scientists to discover new branch on the tree of life | CBC News
Hemimastix kukwesjijk feeds on its prey in this microscope image. It attacks the prey with harpoon-like organs, then uses its flagella to bring the prey to its mouth, called a capitulum, and sucks out the juices or cytoplasm. Once she knew what it ate, she reared its prey in captivity so she could also feed and breed captive Hemimastix: "We were able to domesticate it, in a way."

Types of Type
The art form of typography comparing English and Korean.

De Britten zijn echt de weg kwijt – NRC
De Britten zijn fundamenteel de weg kwijt en intussen flirten steeds meer Brexiteers met chaos op B-day. Een deel van hun geldschieters speculeert openlijk op een val van het pond, en de diepe recessie die zou volgen op de chaos komt hun niet eens slecht uit: dan volgen immers bezuinigingen en kan het mes weer in de verzorgingsstaat. Ook kan eindelijk de gezondheidszorg worden geprivatiseerd – de Amerikaanse bedrijven staan al in de rij. Geen wonder dat Trump zo’n fan is van Brexit.