Hittite Monuments
A list of monuments from Hittite civilization with images and brief information.
(6105) The Discovery of a New Bronze and Iron Age Kingdom in Turkey: The Site of Türkmen-Karahöyük – YouTube
Türkmen-Karahöyük is een recent ontdekte archeologische site in Centraal-Anatolië die een onbekend Bronstijd- en IJzertijd-koninkrijk onthult. Uit een inscriptie, ontdekt in 2019, blijkt dat de stad de hoofdstad was van koning Hartapu, die beweerde Phrygië te hebben veroverd in de 8e eeuw v.Chr. Dit herdefinieert de geopolitiek van de regio en suggereert dat Hartapu’s koninkrijk een machtige rivaal van Phrygië was. Opgravingen tonen een uitgestrekte stad met monumentale gebouwen, een breed wegennet en bewijzen van administratieve en textielproductie. De site, die ooit werd genegeerd ondanks zijn indrukwekkende omvang, wordt nu erkend als een van de belangrijkste archeologische ontdekkingen in Anatolië.
A Portrait of Tenochtitlan • 3D reconstruction of the capital of the Aztec empire.
a 3D reconstruction of the capital of the Aztec Empire
Does X cause Y? An in-depth evidence review
There’s an interesting theory out there that X causes Y. If this were true, it would be pretty important. So I did a deep-dive into the academic literature on whether X causes Y. Here’s what I found.
London’s first Roman basilica found under office basement
A discovery underneath the basement of an office block has been described as one of the most important pieces of Roman history unearthed in the city of London.
Archaeologists have found a substantial piece of the ancient city’s first basilica – a 2,000 year old public building where major political, economic and administrative decisions were made.
The excavation has so far revealed sections of stone wall that formed the base of the basilica, which would have been two-and-a-half storeys high.
Exciting news from Scroll 5! – Vesuvius Challenge
For the past several months, our team and community have been working hard on ink detection and segmentation of P.Herc. 172 from the Bodleian Libraries at Oxford (our Scroll 5). We’re excited to share some incredible progress!
AI cracks superbug problem in two days that took scientists years
Prof Penadés’ said the tool had in fact done more than successfully replicating his research.
“It’s not just that the top hypothesis they provide was the right one,” he said.
“It’s that they provide another four, and all of them made sense.
“And for one of them, we never thought about it, and we’re now working on that.”
Behold Modular Forms, the ‘Fifth Fundamental Operation’ of Math | Quanta Magazine
“There are five fundamental operations in mathematics,” the German mathematician Martin Eichler supposedly said. “Addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and modular forms.”
Part of the joke, of course, is that one of those is not like the others. Modular forms are much more complicated and enigmatic functions, and students don’t typically encounter them until graduate school. But “there are probably fewer areas of math where they don’t have applications than where they do,” said Don Zagier(opens a new tab), a mathematician at the Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in Bonn, Germany. Every week, new papers extend their reach into number theory, geometry, combinatorics, topology, cryptography and even string theory.
A Brief and Amazing History of Our Search for Life in the Clouds | Smithsonian
By collecting samples after climbing a high peak and firing rockets with special traps into the upper atmosphere, scientists have found microbes living in thin air
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