Categorie: Links

  • Links van 30 september 2015 tot 2 oktober 2015

    Why Kindergarten in Finland Is All About Playtime (and Why That Could Be More Stimulating Than the Common Core) – The Atlantic“[Children] learn so well through play. They don’t even realize that they are learning because they’re so interested.” When children play, Osei Ntiamoah continued, they’re developing their language, math, and social-interaction skills. A recent…

  • Links van 25 september 2015 tot 30 september 2015

    Hollywood history podcast: Buster Keaton’s move to MGM in 1928.MGM was paying Buster Keaton $3,000 a week and seemed literally afraid to let him open his mouth. But as sound fully took hold at MGM, Keaton would long for the days of silence. Listen to the episode to find out how, over the next three…

  • Links van 18 september 2015 tot 23 september 2015

    U leidt een stad vol schorremorrie, Burgemeester | Jan Blommaert (en z’n gedachten)De bewoners van Uw stad blijken in de wereld zoals U ze beleeft bovenal veroorzakers van overlast te zijn, potentiële misdadigers en ordeverstoorders, profiteurs, labbekakken, links uitschot en ranzige bakfiets-egoïsten “die ge vijf frank zou geven als ge ze ziet”. Volk dat zomaar (zomaar!!) door…

  • Links van 7 september 2015 tot 18 september 2015

    Hebden Bridge Chess Club: The Hardest chess problem in the world?Hebden Bridge Chess Club members will be well acquainted with my passion for digging up chess curiosities from across the ‘interweb’. Recently I came across the perplexing puzzle below. It’s White to play and mate in 1. Anil DashTo be fair, Will.I.Am’s interest in technology…

  • Links van 24 augustus 2015 tot 28 augustus 2015

    Longread: “Schaam u, meneer De Wever” | Vluchtelingen | De MorgenHij kon zijn oren niet geloven toen Bart De Wever deze week verkondigde dat erkende vluchtelingen een apart sociaal statuut moeten krijgen. Henri Heimans, voormalig topmagistraat en voorvechter van de geïnterneerden, is zelf de zoon van een politiek vluchteling. 'Dit is dwaze, populistische praat.' See…

  • Links van 21 augustus 2015 tot 23 augustus 2015

    Jeremy Corbyn and the 1,000 days that destroyed Britain | Daily Mail OnlineWith enemies like this, Corbyn doesn't need friends. COLUMN. Nico Dijkshoorn: ‘Marc Coucke is een lichtvreter en … – SportwereldDolgraag zou ik Marc Coucke eens in gesprek zien met zijn nieuwe spectaculaire aankoop voor het volgende seizoen, Zlatan Ibrahimovic. Marc stelt zich voor…

  • Links van 14 augustus 2015 tot 19 augustus 2015

    What Paleo diet experts think – and why they’re wrong | Life and style | The GuardianClaims by proponents of the carbohydrate-averse food regimen supposedly based on what our paleolithic ancestors ate do not stand up to scientific scrutiny Information Consumerism: The Price of Hypocrisy – Überwachung – FAZmany Europeans are finally grasping, to their…

  • Links van 9 augustus 2015 tot 13 augustus 2015

    One Book’s Cover | Brightweavings JournalThis spring I was working with my American and Canadian editors, and an art director, and a gifted artist to devise and shape the cover those territories are sharing for Children of Earth and Sky. sbdc » BetrayedI used to be able to trust that Apple products would just work.…

  • Links van 29 juli 2015 tot 7 augustus 2015

    DUNE: The Insanely Complete 3-Hour Fan CutYou think you’re a fan of Dune? Michael Warren has you beat. He put together this massive super-cut of David Lynch’s cult-classic 1984 film adaptation of Frank Herbert’s Dune comprised of footage from the original theatrical cut, the extended TV cut, and deleted scenes. This labor of fan love…

  • Links van 18 juli 2015 tot 28 juli 2015

    The Corbyn Effect | The Disorder Of ThingsBlair and company argue that the Tories crave a Corbyn win, but the trap has been set a move beyond that: Cameron and Osborne can rest confident that the terror of electoral wipe-out will have a neo-Blairite Labour party galloping towards their position anyway. Always fighting the last war, and on a…

  • Links van 9 juli 2015 tot 14 juli 2015

    How Not To Sort By Average RatingPROBLEM: You are a web programmer. You have users. Your users rate stuff on your site. You want to put the highest-rated stuff at the top and lowest-rated at the bottom. You need some sort of "score" to sort by. From Folklore to Exotica: Yma Sumac and the Performance…

  • Links van 4 juli 2015 tot 7 juli 2015

    Greece is solvent but illiquid: Policy implications | VOX, CEPR’s Policy PortalGreece’s debt is 180% of GDP, which seems to make it insolvent without large primary surpluses. This column argues that since restructuring lowered the interest burden to just 2% of GDP, Greece is solvent – or would be with nominal GDP growth of just…

  • Links van 28 juni 2015 tot 29 juni 2015

    The Alleged $7.5 Billion Fraud in Online Advertising – MozThe only way to reduce wasted impressions significantly is to research and implement digital ad campaigns manually rather than use programmatic ad buying. Digital advertisers should research potential websites on which they want to run advertisements to see if they are legitimate—potentially even running ads on…

  • Links van 12 juni 2015 tot 25 juni 2015

    Raindrops Keep Falling on My Head: A Mosquito’s Lament – Phenomena: Curiously KrulwichA study says a mosquito being hit by a raindrop is roughly the equivalent of a human being whacked by a school bus, the typical bus being about 50 times the mass of a person. And worse, when it’s raining hard, each mosquito…

  • Links van 26 mei 2015 tot 11 juni 2015

    Syriza moet op de knieën vanwege Spanje – De Groene AmsterdammerTotale vernedering van de Griekse populisten is sinds januari het onuitgesproken doel. Syriza moet en zal op de knieën. De ruggengraat moet worden gebroken. En dat heeft niets met Griekenland te maken – hinderlijke kiezelsteen in de hiel van de Europese schoen – maar alles…