Categorie: Links
Links van 7 maart 2012 tot 12 maart 2012
Improv Everywhere – Spinning Beach Ball of Death – YouTubeIt's rare that two obnoxious phenomena completely jump the shark at the same time. Striptekenaar Jean Giraud/Moebius overleden – De StandaardMet de dood van de Franse stripmaker Jean Giraud, die ook publiceerde als Moebius, verliest Europa een van zijn invloedrijkste auteurs. U.S. Warns Apple, Publishers on…
Links voor 7 maart 2012
Redheads feel a different kind of pain | ScienceNordicCatherin Tate vindicated! Redheads have a reputation for being feistier than others, and there may be some truth in this. Scientists are gradually piecing together a picture which seems to indicate that redheads are constituted differently to other people. Santiago CARUSO – IllustratorSantiago Caruso is an Illustrator…
Links van 2 maart 2012 tot 4 maart 2012
There is something really wrong with modern programmers. Very wrong indeed.Increasingly, projects are websites. You don’t have to be a power programmer; you can cut-n-paste Javascript and run node.js and then you go get mongoDB or Redis as a backend and you’re thinking you’re scalable! Get with the movement! 2012_SDTVx264r.nfoThe SD x264 TV Releasing Standards…
Links van 29 februari 2012 tot 2 maart 2012
Hot buttered sloths in pajamas | GristWhat do you do when orphaned baby sloths are afflicted with mange? Shave them, rub them with lard, and wrap them in sloth pajamas. Pro-Ana and Pro-Mia – Pro Mia TipsUse more than one finger, and wiggle them a little to “tickle” the gag reflex. i personally use three…makes…
Links van 25 februari 2012 tot 28 februari 2012
A Show with Ze Frank by Ze Frank — KickstarterIn 2006, I launched a show called "The Show With Ze Frank." It was one of the most strange, exciting, difficult, and amazing things I have done so far. I think it is time to do something similar, what with the economy in the crapper and…
Links van 11 februari 2012 tot 22 februari 2012
If PHP Were British – Added Bytes – Brighton Web Application DevelopmentThe first, but maybe the most important, of many changes that will allow PHP to achieve a more elegant feel is to remove that symbol so beloved by the US and replace it with something altogether more refined. More solid. More … sterling. Freaky…
Links van 3 februari 2012 tot 7 februari 2012
Path uploads your entire iPhone address book to its serversUpon inspecting closer, I noticed that my entire address book (including full names, emails and phone numbers) was being sent as a plist to Path. Now I don’t remember having given permission to Path to access my address book and send its contents to its servers,…
Links van 31 januari 2012 tot 2 februari 2012
A case study of the tactics of climate change denial, in which I am the target | Bad Astronomy | Discover MagazineThis reminds me of one of my favorite skeptic jokes. Question: How many legs does a dog have if you call its tail a leg? Answer: Four. It doesn’t matter what you call a…
Links van 25 januari 2012 tot 31 januari 2012
So klang Bismarck! – einestagesDer Kanzler war begeistert! 1889 wurde Otto von Bismarck ein Phonograph vorgeführt – und der altehrwürdige Staatsmann plauderte munter auf das revolutionäre Gerät. Mehr als ein Jahrhundert galt die wohl einzig jemals gemachte Aufnahme der fürstlichen Stimme als verschollen. Nun ist sie aufgetaucht. Abandoned PlacesStadsarcheologie in Polen. Rosling’s World –…
Links van 22 januari 2012 tot 24 januari 2012
A Brief, Incomplete, and Mostly Wrong History of Programming Languages via reddit.com1964 – John Kemeny and Thomas Kurtz create BASIC, an unstructured programming language for non-computer scientists. 1965 – Kemeny and Kurtz go to 1964. Cyberlocker Ecosystem Shocked As Big Players Take Drastic Action | TorrentFreakWhile the shutdown last week of Megaupload and the arrest…
Links van 19 januari 2012 tot 22 januari 2012
The 5 Most Horrible Things Nobody Tells You About Babies | Cracked.comHollywood comedies about parenthood depend entirely on making raising a kid look a ridiculous, hectic mess. Then, eventually the leading man finds out that in the end, the rewards make it all worth it. That's mostly because for whatever reason, baby murder is still…
Links van 18 januari 2012 tot 19 januari 2012
Cat Annoys Sleeping Guy All Night – PogpogDid you ever wonder what cats do while you’re asleep? This guy did, so he set up a time lapse camera to find out. The Evil Marketing Genius of Paula Deen, the New Face of Diabetes – Daniel D. Snyder – Health – The AtlanticYesterday, television personality and…
Links van 14 januari 2012 tot 18 januari 2012
cliff richard dying inside As with a lot of pictures of Cliff, at first glance he looks happy. But if you look closely, if you really search his eyes for signs of life, you soon realise that he is dying on the inside. [Updated] The rise and fall of personal computing | asymco Note the…
Links van 8 januari 2012 tot 14 januari 2012
Testimony of Ms. Soon Ok LeeThe punishment cell is one of the most dreaded punishments for all prisoners. The cells are usually 60 cm wide and 110 cm high. Therefore, the prisoners have no room to stand up, stretch their legs or lie down. They cannot even lean against the walls because they are too…
Links van 6 januari 2012 tot 7 januari 2012
Carved Book Landscapes by Guy Laramee | ColossalFor the better part of three decades multidisciplinary artist Guy Laramee has worked as a stage writer, director, composer, a fabricator of musical instruments, a singer, sculptor, painter and writer. Among his sculptural works are two incredible series of carved book landscapes and structures entitled Biblios and The…