Hot buttered sloths in pajamas | Grist
What do you do when orphaned baby sloths are afflicted with mange? Shave them, rub them with lard, and wrap them in sloth pajamas.

Pro-Ana and Pro-Mia – Pro Mia Tips
Use more than one finger, and wiggle them a little to “tickle” the gag reflex. i personally use three…makes me feel like i am choking and everything comes up.

Coilhouse » Blog Archive » Cat Butts Being Semi-Rhythmically Smacked to the Sound of Joy Division.
Nothing more need be said. Gawk in silence

Start Developing iOS Apps Today: Introduction
Creating iOS apps is fun and rewarding, and if you're a new developer you might be wondering where to begin. This road map provides the perfect starting point for iOS app development. On your Mac computer, you can create iOS apps that run on iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch. Follow this road map to learn where to get the tools you need, understand the major concepts and best practices, and see where to find more information.

Eurozine – Europe invents the Gypsies – Klaus-Michael Bogdal The dark side of modernity
Social segregation, cultural appropriation: the six-hundred-year history of the European Roma, as recorded in literature and art, represents the underside of the European subject's self-invention as agent of civilising progress in the world, writes Klaus-Michael Bogdal.


2 reacties op “Links van 29 februari 2012 tot 2 maart 2012”

  1. Nen mens staat ’s morgens op, denkt bij zichzelf, “wat zal eens doen vandaag?”

    En dan beslist ie ritmisch op de poep van wat katten te slaan, op een strijkplank, op de muziek van Joy Devision.

    Soms voel ik mij zo normaal.

  2. There’s art to swaddling slippery sloths, indeed!