• RIP e-mail

    De mens heeft gelijk. E-mail is dood.

    Michael FraaseIn my day job at Utne, we publish two email newsletters; one weekly and one thrice weekly, so I have a vested interest in email newsletter publishing. I hate to see it go, but going it is.
    [John Robb’s Weblog]
    RSS is een mogelijke oplossing, maar dan moet het wel gebruiksvriendelijk genoeg zijn. Ik heb een tijdje geleden Newsgator gekocht, en ik ben er behoorlijk content van.
    Ik ben geabonneerd op een stapel weblogs en op nieuws. En als er ooit een nieuwsbrief is waarin ik geïnteresseerd zou zijn, dan zou ik 100% zeker RSS boven e-mail verkiezen.

  • Schoenen

    Zelie en Louis in andere schoenen.

    Zelie is expres en voor ’t echt aan ’t poseren, waar gaat het naartoe met dat kind, tss.

  • Massive

    Microsoft doet een zet in MMORPG. Uit de FAQ:

    What is Mythica?
    Mythica is a next-generation MMORPG based on Norse mythology and developed and published by Microsoft Game Studios. In Mythica,
    you begin the game as a fallen mortal warrior who has ascended to
    Valhalla, the Norse after-life for heroes. In Valhalla, Odin the
    AllFather grants you immortality and enlists you in the battle against
    Chaos that rages across all the planes of existence. Fight well and
    achieve glory for Asgard, and you too will achieve godhood.

    How will Mythica be better than existing MMORPGs?
    Mythica will advance the genre in a number of ways. The most innovative feature we will introduce is Private Realms, which are locations that exist only for your adventuring party. Thanks to Private Realms,
    you?ll be able to experience the richness of a single-player or small
    group RPG experience within the larger social setting of an MMORPG. In
    order to provide a ?god-like? gaming experience, we will also be
    introducing a number of enhancements in solo and party combat, magic,
    and character development. Keep checking this Web site and the FAQ for
    more updates.

    When will Mythica be released?
    Mythica is scheduled to release in 2004.

    Het filmpje op de home page ziet er ook veelbelovend uit.

  • BBC

    Ik kan me niet inbeelden wat ze gaan doen met programma’s als
    Blackadder en Fawlty Towers, die ze nog aan honderd per uur uitzenden
    en doorverkopen, maar alla.

    “Greg Dyke, director general of the BBC, has announced plans to give
    the public full access to all the corporation’s programme archives.”
    [Scripting News]

  • Actieplan Hecate

    ’t Is wel wat, Hecate. We kunnen ze niet thuis laten zitten omdat ze direkt weer buiten zou lopen omdat de mannen heel de tijd met de deur open werken omdat het afbraakwerken zijn en alles naar de container moet.

    We hebben ze dan maar meegenomen naam mijn ouders, waar ze eerst een uur of twee in paniek heeft rondgelopen, en zich dan gecamoufleerd heeft opgesteld in de keuken [1.7 MV WMV].

    Daarna voelde ze zich helemaal op haar gemak.

    En daarna is Nyarlathotep binnengekomen en zat het spel op de wagen. En dan Betty en ’t was helemaal kermis: Hecate onder zetel, grollen en blazen, bref, miserie.

    Het plan is nu om Hecate vandenacht boven te laten zitten en de andere katten (Yog-Sothoth heeft ze ondertussen ook vervoegd) beneden te laten. Er staat boven een kattenbak, dus het zou moeten lukken om het min of meer uitwerpselvrij te houden.

    En morgen gaan we kijken naar een kattenpension. Ik heb wat gezocht op tinternet, en gevonden: Dierenpension ’t Haegeland, dat er goed maar duur uitziet, Dierenhotel Mayar Kela, dat er duur en steriel uitziet en Huisdierenpension Hospitium Animalibus, waar ik niet goed weet wat ik ervan moet denken.

    Oewie shalle sie, morgen.

  • Release Notes: Version 3.1.0 (August 23, 2003)

    Nieuw in Genbox:

    1) All data entry fields now support UNICODE. This allows the full range of possible characters (Hebrew, Greek, Russian, etc.) to be used in names, places, and other data.
    Note: Full UNICODE support is provided for Windows NT/2000/XP systems only.

    1) Options Page: the new “Max Line Length” option allows control over the maximum line length, from 50 to 255 characters (default is 70).
    2) Embedded source citations on notes are now placed at a lower level immediately after the CONC/CONT portion to which they pertain. This simpler system provides better compatibility with other programs.

    1) Sources missing a title now have their name generated according to the source template’s default name template.
    2) Non-unique source names are made unique by appending a number.
    3) Unrecognized level-1 tags below a SOUR tag are now stored to the source general notes.

    1) The _SCBK, _PREF, and _STAT flags are now processed. _SCBK is stored as a “Scrapbook” flag. Unrecognized _STAT (status) values are saved to general notes.
    2) Nonstandard date spans of the form “FROM 12 JUNE 1850-1853” where a dash appears instead of “TO” are now recognized.

    1) The missing space between CONC lines in notes is now added.
    2) A TEXT tag below a SOUR tag is now recognized as source text. Line breaks are preserved.
    3) DATE and PLAC tags below a SOUR tag are now stored as document date and place.
    4) Some of the default source templates have been renamed for better matching against Generation’s source types
    5) Unrecognized level-1 tags pointing to notes are now stored to the individual/family general notes.
    6) An ALIA tag missing the link to an alias individual is now interpreted and stored as a name alias.
    7) A NICK tag at level 1 instead of level 2 is now processed.

    1) Lines terminated only by CR are now recognized.

    1) CONT lines following a source citation PAGE line are assumed to actually contain source text. Additionally, the PAGE line will be checked for an actual page number or number of some sort; if not found, it will be considered source text as well.

    1) Event types considered “Basic” can now be selected. The default is BMDB (birth, marriage, death, burial).
    2) Event types can be marked “Hidden”. This prevents them from appearing in the event type pick lists when added new events. This flag can be used for infrequent or obsolete event types, to reduce the number of choices in the pick list.
    3) A special “Initial Template” has been added. This record is used to initialize new event types, both when adding on the Event Templates View and when new event types are detected in a GEDCOM import file.

    1) New keywords: [COMMENT] and [*]. When appearing in a group, as in <[COMMENT] this is a comment>, the text in the group will be treated as informational, and will not appear in the output. The new keyword [*] is equivalent.
    2) A special “Global Template” has been added. This template affects all other templates, and provides a convenient place to put portions of the templates that are in common.
    3) New keyword, for global templates only: […]. This keyword represents the results of the local template. It allows the global template to position elements both before and after the local template’s results.
    4) The variable control parameter NOT (!) has been implemented. When an exclamation mark is inserted before a keyword name, as in [!G], it prevents the corresponding data from appearing, which can disable automatic insertions or global template insertions.
    5) The variable control parameter “If not already shown” (?) has been implemented. When a question mark is inserted before a keyword name, as in [?ANNOTATION], it will cause the corresponding data to appear only if it has not appeared already.

    1) The new keywords [CITATION ID], [DOC ID], and [SOURCE ID] have been added. They can be used to show record numbers in the footnotes, for diagnostic purposes.
    2) The new keywords [EXCERPT], [DOC TEXT] and [SOURCE TEXT] have been added, to include the evidence text in the formatting, either just the excerpts cited by the citation or the full text.

    1) Added column “Age”. This indicates age at the time of the event.
    2) Added column of checkmarks labeled “MSNW” to indicate presence in the event record of: (M) multimedia, (S) source citations, (N) notes, and (W) witnesses.
    3) Added checkbox column labeled “X” to indicate and control when event records are marked “Exclude”.
    4) The choices for “Basic events” can now determine the default events shown for new individuals.

    1) The choices for “Basic” events are now reflected in the default list of events available from the pick dialog.

    1) Media records can now be filtered by external storage location.

    1) Improvements have been made in the handling of new records and subrecords.

    1) New page added: “Formatting”. This page allows you to view how the citation will look when formatted, and also modify the formatting for the corresponding source. Note: modifications are made to the source record’s formatting, so any changes will affect all citations linked to the same source. The ability to view/edit the formatting from the Citations View is a convenience, and is equivalent to editing the format on the Sources View, except that on this view.

    1) Both the Citation ID and the Source ID now appear before each source name.
    2) The sources can now be ordered into output order by dragging the lines.
    3) Additional sources for the current assertion can be added to the source list by typing the name of the source or double-clicking to select from source pick dialog.
    4) For a citation embedded in a note, all citations for the same note will be listed; those that are for a different text range than the current citation will be shown in the “second layer text” font styling.

    1) New options were added for Source Citations. You can now control when/if event citations are merged into one footnote.
    2) The “Citation Separator” combo box allows you to select the formatting between citations in a merged footnote. The default is a semi-colon; you can change this to a blank line by choosing the [CR][CR] option. You can also enter your own separator text, such as “** ALSO: “.
    3) The “Ambiguous Fact Reference” combo box allows you to select the formatting for a label to appear before citations in a merged footnote, identifying which part of the sentence (date, place, etc.) the following citation(s) apply to. The default is no special labeling.

    1) Fonts Page: a new font style for “Auto-generated text” has been added. This controls how blank basic events appear on the Summary Page, and generated ages on the Summmary Page and Events Page.
    2) Windows Page: Grid line options for list boxes have been added. Choices are data entry lists or all lists.
    3) Windows Page: a new checkbox for “Data Dialog Windows: Remember Size” has been added. When checked, resized pick dialogs, template preview dialogs, and magnify dialogs will remember their new size the next time they are opened.
    4) Operation Page: a new checkbox for “Show blank basic events” has been added. When checked, event types marked “basic” will automatically appear for all individuals on the Summary Page. This saves time on data entry, because the event types do not have to be selected from the event type combo box first.
    5) Operation Page: a new checkbox for “Sort basic events first” has been added. When checked, basic events will be shown first in the Summary Page event list. Normally, all events are sorted in chronological order.
    6) Operation Page: new option “Report Options File for Preview Dialogs”. A report options filename can be entered here for use on the Event Sentence Preview and Event Witness Preview dialogs.

    1) Toolbar: the Bold, Italic, and Underline buttons can now be used for source template editing to insert the special [BOLD], [ITAL], and [UNDL] template codes. Also, “Undo” support is enabled for these functions.
    2) Print Preview: the total number of pages is now included in the status bar, as in “Page 1 of 27”.
    3) Source Citations: if the annotation ends with the special keyword [NOSEP], the default “Citation Separator” is not added. This can be used when formatting two citations to read as one sentence.

    En daarnaast nog wat bugfixen:

    1) Source publication facts containing an embedded date followed by more then 255 characters no longer causes a problem.
    2) Parent link flags are now exported/imported correctly.
    3) Files in the “IBMPC” character set are now handled correctly.
    4) Problems with automatic name capitalization have been corrected.
    5) SOUR tags at a lower level than a NOTE tag now become an embedded source citation in the note.

    1) The special values “today”, “tomorrow”, and “yesterday” must now be spelled in full to be recognized.

    1) Corrected various sorting and filtering problems.
    2) Fixed timing problem leading to transposed characters when user enters name text while dialog is updating results.

    1) Corrected problems with resizing list columns.

    1) Events Page: corrected problems with “age” data entry and source citations.

    1) “Magnify Notes” has been corrected for use with Research Target description, Search description and Search findings.

    1) The “Magnfiy Place” function has been corrected for Place Repositories.

    1) Children with multiple parent families and multiple spouses no longer show duplicate spouses in their box.

    1) Problems changing the color of the Event Template window have been corrected.
    2) Custom sizing on the Preferences window is now remembered.

    1) Problems matching dates missing months/days, as in a census date of “1850”, have been corrected.

    1) Corrected automatic update problem that occurs when switching views and changing the focus individual at the same time.

    1) Event Templates: General note text that is completely marked private (surrounded with [[ and ]]) is now considered blank when the [G] code is used in an event sentence.
    2) The [REPOSITORY PLACE INV] code now uses standard names for all name parts.
    3) Web reports now have their media sized correctly.

    1) When the witness is the primary, the witnessed event sentence will now show the source citation attached to the witness line for the event, if one is defined; otherwise, it will show the source citation for the event.
    2) Local site names beginning with the actual city, township, or county name, AND a “level-indicating word” (such as “County” or “Twp”) is also present, will be shown with the redundant higher level name omitted. Previously, there was no requirement for the level word.

    1) Inclusion of event dates and places is now independent of presence of template codes on event sentences.
    2) The missing primary marriage line when asking for “All” events for principal has been corrected.


  • Ugh

    Zo’n mensen zouden ze eigenlijk ter dood moeten martelen:

    A 27-year-old woman pleaded guilty to attempted murder and received a 25-year prison term for placing her infant daughter in a hot oven.

    Melissa Wright of Coosada pleaded guilty Thursday before Elmore County Circuit Judge Sibley Reynolds. The court hearing had been set to consider a defense bid to relocate the trial, but became a plea proceeding.

    Wright placed her 18-month-old daughter in the oven in June 2002, with the setting on broil. The child received third-degree burns over 70 percent of her body. Her screams brought help from her father, who was outside the house.

    “The child has made a remarkable recovery, considering the injury she sustained,” said District Attorney Randall Houston.

    The child remains in the care of relatives and still faces years of reconstructive surgery.

    [Anniston Star]

  • Affidelis de Chablis

    Die vreselijk lekkere kaas in Versailles was Affidelis de Chablis. Ik dacht, ik zal dat wel op tinternet vinden en zo, maar neen dus. Alleen een paar japanse pagina’s over franse kazen. Geen besteladressen.

    Ik ga eens naar kaashuis Peeters gaan en vragen of ze dat kennen.

    En als dat niet het geval is, zit er weinig anders op dan te telefoneren naar Hotel Mercure Versailles Parly 2het Novetel in Versailles om van hun keuken te weten waar ze die gekocht hebben.

  • Hecate is terug!

    Een goed kwartier geleden zat ze plots op het bed. Juich!!

  • Nu te koop bij Amazon:

  • Canon’s new inexpensive digital SLR

    Ik zou er nooit zoveel voor willen betalen, maar bon.

    canonEOSdigitalrebel.jpgAnother new digital camera from Canon. This one isn’t exactly as consumer-level as the PowerShot A80, but their new 6.3 megapixel digital SLR camera, the EOS Digital Rebel (known as the EOS 300D everywhere else) is noteworthy for other reasons. It’s basically a stripped down, inexpensive version of Canon’s EOS 10D that’s compatible with Canon’s well-regarded line of autofocus EF lenses. At just $900 for the body (lenses are extra), this is just about the least costly digital SLR we’ve ever seen.

  • Technisch wel, ja

    Huhu. [1.68 MB MOV]

  • Gent

    Voilà weer in Gent. Ik zou liegen als ik zei dat het helemaal 150% de moeite was in Versailles.

  • Netwerk

    ’t Is altijd iets, met die presentaties. We hebben heel de morgen netwerk gehad, en nu dat het de presentatie van de website is, juist twee minuten voor Phil zegt “I’d like to show you exactly how this works on-line”: een lakonieke pop-up “network cable unplugged”.

    Ergens in de kelder van het kasteel was iets losgeschoten.

    Enfin, een minuut of tien later, en gelukkig had Phil andere dingen te vertellen, en we zijn on-line. Oef.

  • Deze avond

    Drink. Een Ijslandse, een Mexicaan, een Canadees en een Urugayaan gesproken.

    Buffet. Aan tafel met de Ijslandse, een Vlaming, een Duitser, een Nieuw-Zeelandse, een Franse, een Zweedse, een Finse, en nog één wiens nationaliteit ik vergeten ben.

    Speeches van over heel de wereld.

    Dessert: onnoemelijk lekkere kaas, zeer lekkere citroentaart.

    Nog speeches.

    Op taxi staan wachten, de mooie Croatische gezien die net toegekomen was.

    Terug naar hotel. Pastis gedronken met Phil en Alain.

    En nu: niets op tv, en ondanks de airco is het niet gemakkelijk slapen wegens geen dekbed en een veel te warm deken. Zou ik lezen of West Wing kijken? Hmmm… lezen.

    En de wekker zetten op morgen om 7u30 wegens taxi naar congrescentrum om 8u.