Review door Twi. Gni hi.
The Sky At Night! Patrick Moore! Over het upgraden van de grote radiotelescoop op Jodrell Bank.
En ongelooflijk maar waar: Sir Bernard Lovell leeft ook nog.
Spijtig dat Adam Curry niet meer MTV-jaren-verhalen heeft geschreven.
Ik heb er geen problemen mee om toe te geven dat ik een morbide nieuwsgierigheid heb voor roddels. Ha!
Mmmm. T’Pol is nog altijd yummy. Abs to die for.
Wijs. Shockwave part II heeft een paar mooie echos van City on the Edge of Forever: met Archer en Daniels in de rol van respectievelijk Kirk en Spock.
Ik herinner me dat mijn broer en ik City On The Edge of Forever voor het eerst gezien hebben in de GB van Sint-Denijs. Those were the days.
En dan nu: Shockwave, part II. Yippie!
Dit is er een voor reverse cowgirl eigenlijk:
Neck Brace Art Appreciation Klub
Born October 19, 1996 NBAK started out as a small but dedicated group of regular folks who share a common interest in “recreational & artistic” neck and back bracing. Over the years, NBAK has grown to thousands of dedicated fans from across the country and around the world. To date we have logged well over 1,000,000 hits and have been written up in several magazines as well as having a few interview offers from both Radio and TelevisionEn op hetzelfde thema (min of meer):
Mouth Jewelry: the historic Web site all about orthodontic appliances (braces)
You have braces? You like braces? Whatever brought you to this site, I’m sure we have something for you. There’s plenty of information for people who have braces as well as for people who like the sight of braces.
What we need now is: more visitors! Tell your friends of this place!⁂
Vies verhaal op Newsnight zonet: mensen die hun kindje dood lieten gaan van honger. Brr.
A couple have been found guilty of torturing and neglecting their two-year-old daughter to death.
An Old Bailey jury found Dennis Henry, 39, and Leanne Labonte, 20, guilty of manslaughter and child cruelty.
Ainlee Walker’s body was found on a table at the couple’s flat in Plaistow, east London on 7 January this year.
Henry was sentenced to 12 years’ imprisonment and Labonte to 10 years’ youth detention.
They had blamed each other for the 64 injuries found on the child’s body, including cigarette burns, bruises and scratches.
The court was told during the trial that Ainlee had been known to Newham social services.
There had been home visits and case meetings and she had been considered for placement on the child protection register when she was less than 12 months old.
The trial heard Labonte had begun to leave the child’s care to Henry, an alcoholic and drug user who could become violent and abusive.
Ainlee had been so badly neglected, she looked like a famine victim.
In the last few weeks of her life she was hardly fed and was virtually abandoned. [BBC News]
Geen straf is genoeg voor dergelijke mensen. String ‘em up by the nuts, says I.
And on that note: I’m off to bed. Cheerio.
After I posted about blog regionalism, several commenters pointed out the international blogs right under my nose here at Salon, some of whom of course I’ve already been reading (linking to me is a sure way of getting my attention):
The Devil’s excrement (on Salon) posts from Venezuela. That’s a start.
Tom modestly doesn’t mention he posts from Paris. I’m posting from Ireland. And, of course, the Admirably Polylinguistic Michel Vuijlsteke’s Weblog gives us that Dutch feel. We’ll never get to meet Scott Rosenberg in the flesh, but who knows? Salon might start using us as foreign correspondents.
I’d like to think I give people that Belgian (or even Flemish) feel. Rene Hoornweg’s Radio Weblog is there for that Dutch (via Italy) feel.
Mmmm, Sharron Davies op They Think It’s All Over. Mmmmm.
The jury is not in yet, maar Gary Enfield’s laatste is niet echt je dat.
Om te beginnen: een slechte impressie van Tom Paulin. Niet geestig, lachen met Tom Paulin.
Ten tweede: een nagespeelde slappe lach. Niet leutig.
Ten derde: het is ver gekomen met een komisch programma als ze praktisch 100% afhankelijk zijn van de wisecracking butler. Tenzij de butler John Gielgud is en de film Arthur.
Ten vierde, en wellicht meest to the point: het kan gewoon niet grappiger dan The Osbournes zelf.Enfield die een kruising tussen Ozzy en Wayne Slob doet, is niet grappig. Neen, dan The Fast Show. Me? The 13th Duke of Wybourne? In a sixth form girls’ dormitory? With my reputation? Has no one thought of the consequences?
Gelukkig: nieuwe serie van They Think It’s All Over.
Hal Helms: “scope creep is not only inevitable; it?s natural. As with other natural forces, when we resist it, it seems evil to us. It thwarts us, but scope creep is no more evil than gravity. Scope creep is the pejorative name we give to the natural process by which clients discover what they really want.”
Dan gaat hij uiteraard over op zijn dada, Wireframing, maar bon.
FlashOS. Iemand met echt te veel tijd.
Harry Enfield op bbc1. Vreemd. Ik ben geneigd hem old hat te vinden, maar misschien is hij wel nog altijd goed.
Nu dat ze serieus begonnen zijn met Kelly als mol uit te spelen, vind ik het wel fijn worden.
De wijven zijn aan het plannen smeden om Hanz eruit te stemmen, en Kelly gaat nu in het groot de naam van Hanz boven die van Siska schrijven op de muur.
Wijs!!!!! They’s messin’ wid they minds now!