Tag: game

  • Links van 5 september 2012 tot 29 november 2012

    corsix-th – Open source clone of Theme Hospital – Google Project HostingThis project aims to reimplement the game engine of Theme Hospital, with the capability of loading assets including graphics and levels from the original game. Revenge of the Reality-Based Community | The American ConservativeI know that it’s unattractive and bad form to say “I told…

  • Links van 25 juni 2012 tot 18 juli 2012

    Aral Sea, ecological disaster: And it’s good night from the Aral Sea | The EconomistEvery year five Central Asian states meet to discuss how to rescue the Aral Sea. In 2000 UNESCO produced a “water-related vision” for reviving the sea. The World Bank has restoration projects. But one development expert I spoke to in Tashkent,…

  • Revenge of the mutant extragalactic ultracamels

    Stop de persen! Rechtstreeks van het departement compartimentaliseren der gevoelens: het beste spel van het afgelopen jaar! Jeff Minter’s waanzin is al sinds de jaren 1980 helemaal mijn ding, en Gridrunner Revolution is misschien wel zijn beste spel ooit: Loop naar Steam en koop het nu! En wie geen PC heeft: koop er één en…

  • Links van 24 april 2012 tot 2 mei 2012

    What if realists were in charge of U.S. foreign policy? | Stephen M. WaltThe liberal/neoconservative alliance is responsible for most of America's major military interventions of the past two decades, as well as other key initiatives like NATO expansion. By contrast, realists have been largely absent from the halls of power or the commanding heights…

  • Links van 19 april 2012 tot 22 april 2012

    IBNIZIBNIZ is a virtual machine designed for extremely compact low-level audiovisual programs. The leading design goal is usefulness as a platform for demoscene productions, glitch art and similar projects. Mainsteam software engineering aspects are considered totally irrelevant. IBNIZ stands for Ideally Bare Numeric Impression giZmo. The name also refers to Gottfried Leibniz, the 17th-century polymath…

  • Links van 12 april 2012 tot 18 april 2012

    Marokkaans/Arabisch koken met Amber – Weblog – 50plusser.nl WeblogOverheerlijke Marokkaanse en andere Arabische gerechten met daarnaast lekkere recepten uit verschillende keukens Style in The Wire on VimeoThis video essay explores the style in the television series The Wire. Potions And Pitfalls: My Year In Roguelikes | Rock, Paper, ShotgunIt’s been a fantastic year for Roguelikes,…

  • Legend of Grimrock

    Kakspel. Kakspinnen. Kloteromeinen. Fucking groen slijm. Kak, kak, kakspel. Uren en uren aan verloren, dit weekend. Bon, even rusten… GNYAAA waar komt die KLOTE SPIN vandaan? Lap, weer dood. Shitcock. Bloederige mrrrAAAAAaaaa!!! Kakspel! Computer uit, gedomme! Nem! Stom spel verdju. … … Misschien dat ik nog eens kijk. Een half uurtje, of zo. [Voor de…

  • Links van 2 januari 2012 tot 3 januari 2012

    Double-Blind Violin Test: Can You Pick The Strad? : Deceptive Cadence : NPRIn fact, the only statistically obvious trend in the choices was that one of the Stradivarius violins was the least favorite, and one of the modern instruments was slightly favored. The Quest of BehemothTired of the graphical complexity of Nethack? Yearn for a…

  • Links van 14 december 2011 tot 17 december 2011

    Dirty Signs – I Want to Eat Your Lesbian Vagina – YouTubeDirty Signs with Kristin! Today, we've got one for the ladies with the phrase, "I want to eat your lesbian vagina." Have a great night! Bfxr. Make sound effects for your games.Bfxr is an elaboration of the glorious Sfxr, the program of choice for…

  • Links van 12 november 2011 tot 5 december 2011

    Arcade Improv: Humans Pretending to Be Videogames – Waxy.orgInstantly, Mike and Jerry understood, along with everyone in the audience born before 1978. Catherine Young & Family, Page OneA family working in the Tifton (Ga.) Cotton Mill. Mrs. A.J. Young works in mill and at home. Nell (oldest girl) alternates in mill with mother. Mammy (next…

  • Links voor 24 april 2011

    The 50 Things Every Graphic Design Student Should Know – Jamie Wieck – Design, IllustrationA condensed primer for students and graduates-to-be. Terraria – Coming soon!Dig, fight, explore, build! Nothing is impossible in this action-packed adventure game. The world is your canvas and the ground itself is your paint. Terraria is coming soon! YouTube – Creativity…

  • Links voor 13 april 2011

    Lazy Newb Pack [0.31.25] [V9.1] UpdatesThis package is for Newbs and those too Lazy to put everything together every new version.It Includes the latest version of Dwarf Fortress, Graphics, and the best compatible Utilities!

  • Links van 20 maart 2011 tot 21 maart 2011

    Alliant : Gamerfish – Play Free Online Flash GamesBattle the imposing alien force by managing your army and destroying their base as you travel from colony to colony. Build barracks, defensive turrets, and deploy troops to take on the enemy. Gamasutra: Greg McClanahan’s Blog – Achievement Design 101In June of 2007, I was tasked with…

  • Links van 13 maart 2011 tot 14 maart 2011

    Incredible Space Pics from ISS by NASA astronaut Wheelock | triggerpit.comOn September 22, 2010, with the departure of the Expedition 23 crew, Colonel Douglas H. Wheelock assumed command of the International Space Station and the Expedition 25 crew. He is also known as @Astro_Wheels on twitter, where he has been tweeting space photos to his…

  • Links van 9 maart 2011 tot 10 maart 2011

    URL Hunter!An experimental game using the URL bar as the game screen. The patter of little feet. | MetaFilterKid Crazy: Why We Exaggerate the Joys of Parenthood. All parents know that having kids is a blessing, even if researchers don't agree. Researchers have known for some time that parents with minors who live at home…