Tag: game
Links van 30 november tot 13 december 2024
Orcas start wearing dead salmon hats again after ditching the trend for 37 years | Live Science Orcas off the coast of Washington State are balancing dead fish on their heads like it’s the 1980s, but researchers still aren’t sure why they do it. orca, beesten Fish Have a Brain Microbiome. Could Humans Have One…
Links van 8 maart 2018 tot 10 maart 2018
Leningrad’s Lost PhotographerRussian Masha Ivashintsova (1942-2000) photographed constantly but never showed her work to anyone. In late 2017, a relative stumbled on boxes of negatives and undeveloped film gathering dust in an attic. Published below, some for the first time, are some of the 30,000 images from the remarkable discovery. (492) The STEAM renaissance: Guy…
Links van 15 november 2017 tot 8 januari 2018
IBM Design LanguageHeerlijke stijlgids. Trump is making Obama great again – The Boston GlobeBeyond the nation’s shores, there are some places around the world, though not many, where Trump is more popular than Obama. A 2017 Pew Research Center survey polled 37 nations across the world about their opinions of the two presidents, and all…
Links van 9 november 2017 tot 10 november 2017
IBM TypeThanks for your interest in IBM Plex, IBM’s new corporate type family. IBM Plex is open source, and should be used by IBMers for all typographical situations, replacing Helvetica Neue, whenever possible. Why This Fungus Has Over 20,000 Sexes – D-briefOne species of fungi, Schizophyllum commune, really shines when it comes to gender diversity.…
Links van 5 mei 2016 tot 25 mei 2016
Why Viggo Mortensen Is Off the GridThis summer, the quintessentially un-Hollywood Viggo Mortensen stars in a film about a father of six who rejects the world to raise his kids completely off the grid. How much does this character resemble the actor himself? Let's start with his flip phone. BBC – Earth – The bizarre…
Links van 14 juli 2014 tot 18 juli 2014
Gamasutra – The History of CivilizationGamasutra is proud to be partnering with the IGDA's Preservation SIG to present detailed official histories of each of the first ten games voted into the Digital Game Canon. The Canon "provides a starting-point for the difficult task of preserving this history inspired by the role of that the U.S.…
Links voor 19 juni 2014
Moving product recommendations from Hadoop to Redshift saves us time and money | Monetate Engineering BlogWe’ve demonstrated the ease with which we can transition one of our legacy MR jobs to pure SQL running against Redshift. Not only was this a neat problem to solve, but it will end up lowering the cost of our…
Links van 18 mei 2014 tot 20 mei 2014
808 Cube State of MetaFilter | MetaTalkToday I need to share some unfortunate news: because of serious financial downturn, MetaFilter will be losing three of its moderators to layoffs at the end of this month. What that means for the site and the site’s future are described below. Vagrant 1.6 – VagrantVagrant 1.6 is now…
Links van 24 april 2014 tot 28 april 2014
Bras in Space: The Incredible True Story Behind Upcoming Film Spacesuit | The Credits.Instead, pitted against the military-industrial complex, Playtex created the 21-layer spacesuit, each layer distinct yet interrelated in function to the rest of the whole—a masterly combination of elegance, complexity, and form. Where the military contractors created cybernetic, armor-like suits (that failed, and…
Links van 10 april 2014 tot 13 april 2014
Amazon.com to Acquire comiXology | comiXology UnboundAmazon.com today announced that it has reached an agreement to acquire comiXology, the company that revolutionized the digital comics reading experience with their immersive Guided View technology and makes discovering, buying, and reading comic books and graphic novels easier and more fun than ever before. 2048 Variants | Semi-long…
Links van 21 januari 2014 tot 29 januari 2014
Post mortem – Thanks & lessons learned | Notes from the trenchesLessons learned – Don’t operate in a market where a single player can arbitrarily decide to kill you. Especially don’t work in a market that’s controlled by an entity that explicitly refuses to communicate with you (or anyone else) or to explain their guidelines.…
Links van 12 januari 2014 tot 13 januari 2014
Google stabs Wikipedia in the front • The RegisterHowever, since Google rolled out Knowledge Graph, something interesting happened. Visits to Wikipedia had previously risen steadily year-on-year for a decade. Towards the end of the 2012 this trend not only stalled, but went into an unprecedented decline. According to Wikipedia's own stats, the page views for…
Links van 5 november 2013 tot 7 november 2013
www.gootechnologies.comWhether you're a designer who likes creative freedom, or a hardcore coder pushing the limits of the web, Goo gives you the tools to create amazing web visuals in your own way and without limitations. Goo Create and Goo Engine are specially designed to make your creation process as simple and smooth as possible without…
Links van 30 november 2012 tot 22 december 2012
48fps: how we accidentally invented Impressionist filmmaking | The Verge ForumsWatching Journey, it's clear that widespread adoption of High Frame Rate filmmaking would cause even greater issues. This isn't simply a matter of relearning how to do wardrobe, how to build a set, and how to light a scene. Acting is an entirely different matter…